更新时间:2019-01-04 14:45:11
Speech 1 美国驻联合国的使命 U.S. Mission to the United Nations
Speech 2 做生命的主人 Be Master of Your Life
Speech 3 不断攀登 Go on Climbing
Speech 4 危难时的契机 Opportunities in Difficult Times
Speech 5 传播自由和法治 Spread Freedom and the Rule of Law
Speech 6 关于感觉,失败以及寻找幸福 About Feelings Failure and Finding Happiness
Speech 7 支持基础科学,解决医学难题 Support Basic Science to Solve Medical Challenges
Speech 8 以简单的愉悦换取更复杂、更富有挑战性的快乐 Trade Easy Pleasures for More Complex and Challenging Ones
Speech 9 效用,谦卑,信用,服务 Utility Humility Honor and Service
Speech 10 求知若饥,虚心若愚 Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
Speech 11 走出去并使之成为可能 Get out and Make Things Happen
Speech 12 愿你快乐,愿你美梦成真 May You Be Happy May Your Dreams Come True
Speech 13 为他人搭建桥梁 Build Bridges for Others
Speech 14 做到与众不同 Making a Difference
Speech 15 抓住事物的本质 Getting to the Essence of Things