更新时间:2019-09-21 00:28:01
Introduction: Keeping Your Commitment to Your Commitment
1 A Joint Commitment
2 The Launching Pad
Determining Appropriate Help: Learning About Situational Leadership II
Establishing Areas of Focus: Preparing for the Yearlong Program
Setting Goals to Monitor Progress
Ken's Health and Fitness Evaluation
Selecting the Right Program for You
3 Great Beginnings: The First Quarter
Off to a Great Start
The Journey Begins
Starting My Day Slowly
Despite a Setback the First Quarter Ends Well
4 Dealing with Adversity: The Second Quarter
A New Perspective—and an Unwelcome Diagnosis
Overcoming Obstacles
5 Heading into Summer: The Third Quarter
My 50-Year Class Reunion and Summer Retreat
Setting Up an Absentee Program
6 The Home Stretch: The Fourth Quarter
Finishing Strong
New Habits Becoming a Way of Life
7 Final Thoughts
Role Models Cheerleaders and Persistence
A Successful Journey
Resources I Pearls of Wisdom from the experts
The First Pearl: Fitness and the Aging Process
The Second Pearl: A Very Distinct Purpose
The Third Pearl: Sometimes Good Genetics Play a Role
The Fourth Pearl: Making the Ultimate Commitment
Resources II Understanding Exercise and Fitness: Tim's Toolbox
A Guide to the Components of Fitness
How the Body Metabolizes Energy
The First Component of Fitness: Aerobic Exercise
The Second Component of Fitness: Strength Training
The Third Component of Fitness: Flexibility
The Fourth Component of Fitness: Balance Training
The Fifth Component of Fitness: Nutrition and Weight Control
The Sixth Component of Fitness: Rest and Sleep
Working Out While Traveling
Common Training Injuries
Resources III Developing Your Own Fitness Program
About the Authors
Services Available