更新时间:2021-07-09 21:38:40
Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization Second Edition
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with IPython
What are Python IPython and Jupyter?
Installing Python with Anaconda
Introducing the Notebook
A crash course on Python
Ten Jupyter/IPython essentials
Chapter 2. Interactive Data Analysis with pandas
Exploring a dataset in the Notebook
Manipulating data
Complex operations
Chapter 3. Numerical Computing with NumPy
A primer to vector computing
Creating and loading arrays
Basic array manipulations
Computing with NumPy arrays
Chapter 4. Interactive Plotting and Graphical Interfaces
Choosing a plotting backend
matplotlib and seaborn essentials
Image processing
Further plotting and visualization libraries
Chapter 5. High-Performance and Parallel Computing
Accelerating Python code with Numba
Writing C in Python with Cython
Distributing tasks on several cores with IPython.parallel
Further high-performance computing techniques
Chapter 6. Customizing IPython
Creating a custom magic command in an IPython extension
Writing a new Jupyter kernel
Displaying rich HTML elements in the Notebook
Customizing the Notebook interface with JavaScript