更新时间:2022-02-25 15:12:21
0004 在这神奇的海上
0004 On this wondrous sea
0008 有一个词
0008 There is a word
0012 晨光比从前更温柔
0012 The morns are meeker than they were
0019 一片花萼,一枚花瓣,一根刺
0019 A sepal petal and a thorn
0021 我们输了,因为我们赢了
0021 We lose—because we win
0033 假如记忆就是遗忘
0033 If recollecting were forgetting
0035 没有人知道这朵小玫瑰
0035 Nobody knows this little Rose
0049 那样惨痛的损失我已经历两次
0049 I never lost as much but twice
0054 假如我死去
0054 If I should die
0067 从未成功过的人们
0067 Success is counted sweetest
0079 去天堂吧!
0079 Going to Heaven!
0099 新的脚走在我的花园里
0099 New feet within my garden go
0100 有一种科学,学者称其为
0100 A science—so the Savants say
0113 我们有一份黑夜需要忍耐
0113 Our share of night to bear
0139 灵魂,你会再次投掷吗?
0139 Soul Wilt thou toss again?
0147 上帝保佑,他像战士一样离开
0147 Bless God he went as soldiers
0153 尘土是唯一的秘密
0153 Dust is the only Secret
0182 假如我不能活着
0182 If I shouldn’t be alive
0185 “信仰”是一个精妙的发明
0185 “Faith” is a fine invention
0211 伊甸园,你慢慢地来!
0211 Come slowly—Eden!
0214 我品尝未经酿造的酒
0214 I taste a liquor never brewed
0215 什么是“天堂”
0215 What is—“Paradise”
0216 安然无恙地睡在玉室里
0216 Safe in their Alabaster Chambers
0217 救世主!我无人可以倾诉
0217 Savior! I’ve no one else to tell
0223 今天,我是来买微笑的
0223 I Came to buy a smile—today
0239 “天堂”,我难以触及!
0239 “Heaven”—is what I cannot reach!
0241 我喜欢痛苦的表情
0241 I like a look of Agony
0248 他们为何,把我关在天堂门外?
0248 Why—do they shut Me out of Heaven?
0249 暴风雨夜
0249 Wild Nights—Wild Nights!
0251 篱笆那边
0251 Over the fence
0254 “希望”长着翅膀
0254 “Hope” is the thing with feathers
0280 在我脑海中,一场葬礼正在进行
0280 I felt a Funeral in my Brain
0288 我是无名之辈!你是谁?
0288 I’m Nobody! Who are you?
0292 假如你的勇气,将你否定
0292 If your Nerve deny you
0301 我推想,大地是短暂的
0301 I reason Earth is short
0302 像某种老式的奇迹
0302 Like Some Old fashioned Miracle
0303 灵魂选择她自己的侣伴
0303 The Soul selects her own Society
0305 绝望不同于
0305 The difference between Despair
0308 我送走两个日落
0308 I send Two Sunsets
0315 他摸索你的灵魂
0315 He fumbles at your Soul
0324 有些人守安息日去教堂
0324 Some keep the Sabbath going to Church
0327 在我的一只眼失明前
0327 Before I got my eye put out
0328 一只鸟,飞落在小路上
0328 A Bird came down the Walk
0333 小草无事可做
0333 The Grass so little has to do
0361 我能做到的,我情愿
0361 What I can do—I will
0363 我去向她致谢
0363 I went to thank Her
0374 我去过天堂
0374 I went to Heaven
0376 我当然祈祷过
0376 Of Course—I prayed