更新时间:2022-09-02 10:54:28
在阵亡将士葬礼上的演说 Pericles' Funeral Oration
苏格拉底的申辩 The Apology of Socrates
反喀提林 Against Catiline
这是我的立场 Here I Stand
“无敌舰队”演讲 The Armada Speech
不自由,毋宁死 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
奴隶贸易不废,我决不罢休 Abolition Speech
华盛顿告别演说 Washington's Farewell Address
为美洲土著宗教辩护 Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion
杰斐逊总统就职演说 First Inaugural Address
给爱尔兰以公义 Justice for Ireland
美国学者 The American Scholar
论慈善与幽默 On Charity and Humor
葛底斯堡演说 The Gettysburg Address
在《人民报》创刊纪念会上的演说 Speech at Anniversary of the People's Paper
忠犬颂 A Tribute to the Dog
毁灭性的男性 The Destructive Male
女人就是公民 Is It a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote?
科学与艺术 Science and Art
在马克思墓前的讲话 Frederick Engels’ Speech at the Grave of Karl Marx
成功之路 The Road to Success
奋斗不息的人生 The Strenuous Life
维多利亚女王悼词 On the Death of Queen Victoria
七十感言 Mark Twain's 70th Birthday Speech
自由,还是死亡 Freedom or Death
法庭陈述 Statement to the Court
剑之教义 The Doctrine of the Sword
为仁慈辩护 A Plea for Mercy
盲人的骑士 Address to Lions Clubs International Foundation Convention
致清华大学的同学们 To Students at TsingHua University Peking
儿童的时代 The Children's Era
女性的职业 Professions for Women
论教育 On Education
炉边谈话之银行危机 Fireside Chat 1: On the Banking Crisis
读书之乐 The Pleasure of Books
每个人都是国王 Every Man A King
国王的演讲 King's Speech
论圈子 The Inner Ring
大独裁者 Speech from The Great Dictator
我们将战斗到底 We Shall Fight on the Beaches
人生十大信念 The Things That Make Life Most Worth Living
寻求人类幸福的可能 Authority and the Individual
作家和诗人的责任 William Faulkner Nobel Prize Lecture
写作是一种孤独的生活 Banquet Speech
我们选择登月 We Choose to Go to the Moon
责任、荣誉、国家 Duty Honor Country
道与人同在 John Steinbeck’s Speech at the Nobel Banquet
致草根的黑人同胞们 Message to Grassroots
我有一个梦想 I Have A Dream
论人类与动物和谐共生 How Humans and Animals Can Live Together