Java is a very appealing language, specific characteristics of which such as cross-platform, portability, security have attracted attention of most programmers in the world. Originally, Java was developed by Sun (Incorporated into the Oracle Corporation in April 2009) to solve problem of control and communication among smart home-appliances. With the development of the Internet, Java was gradually reconstructed into new programming language which can be well suitable for computer network application. Currently Java language has become one of the mainstream programming languages in network programming. Combined with cloud computing technology and global mobile internet, Java's advantages and broad prospects will be more obvious.
"Java Programming" is a key professional course in teaching plan of software engineering faculty and relative faculty. The main teaching content include the basic syntax of the Java language, object-oriented programming, string manipulation, exception handling, thread, input and output streams, GUI programming, network programming and database programming.
The book is bilingual textbook in which English is first language. For some poor-English reader, some important and difficult contents are translated into Chinese. In the book structure, theoretical concepts are associated with examples and images in order that reader can easily understand these concepts. In addition, for different levels of readers, the book not only narrates Java's basic syntax, but also introduces some advanced features of object oriented programming such as multithread, exception handling, input and output streams and network programming. So reader can program after finishing this book.
The main content of the book:
● Java’s history, runtime environment and programming tools
● Java syntax
● Object-oriented programming including classes, inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism and other features
● Multithread programming
● Exception handling mechanism
● Input output stream
● GUI programming
● Network programming
● Database
The author has extensive bilingual teaching experience. The draft of the book has been used as textbook at author's school. Combined with the feedback from students and teachers and other excellent textbook, the first version of the book will be published.
The main feature of the book:
(1)The combination of English and Chinese. English is the first language in the book while some contents are translated into Chinese. The arrangement will not only contribute to understanding knowledge, but also can improve English language proficiency.
(2)The combination of theory and practice. Problem-based learning model is adopted in the book. A large number of examples are integrated with theoretical knowledge so that these knowledge can be more easily understood. The examples in the book are listed in accordance with the step-by-step procedure. So reader can complete appropriate program after finish the corresponding chapter.
(3)The combination of logicality and delight. Traditional textbook, whether home or abroad, focus much attention on concept and notion. It is difficult for the student in the undergraduate level to understand the architecture of knowledge. The abstract contents seriously impact the interest of the students on learning. So these defects are improved in our book.
(4)Emphasizing key contents. The book focuses mainly on the key features of Java language such as multithread programming, exception handling mechanism, network programming and database access technology. In addition, Applet is introduced so that reader can fully understand the Java language.
The book as textbook is available for undergraduate students and beginning graduate students. Java programmers also can refer to the book.
Prof He yue shun as editor in chief guide the whole editing process. Li Xiang and Zhang Jun as deputy editor are in charge of different chapters. At last, several people such as Gao Yong Ping, Wang Xueyuan, Zhang Wei, Ashok, Wu Guangming and Wang Zhibo need to be acknowledged. Those people make this book possible.
Completion of the book is based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience of editor group. Due to time constraint, there are some deficiencies in the book. If you find problem, please contact us!