With the increasing aboption of x86 servers,and the mainstream use of Linux and Windows Operating Systems on servers,distrbuted computing, including,including grid computing and cloud computing,has become the key model for enterprise applicatons.The development of distributed applications often relies on the applicating middleware.message Oriented Middleware(MOM), such as MQ,JMS,TIBCO,are one of the most widely used type of application middleware.The peoper and effective use of such middleware not only affects developer productivite,but also largely determines the software architecture and performance This book guides the reader through the concept,prnciples and working mechanisms ofmessage middleware with an easyy to follow flow,lt details the design and data type representations of messaging,as well as send/receive and management mechanisms of messages from a developer,s pespective.This book serves as a good introductory guide and programming refereence for those who are involved in the design and developmeent of disributed applications
Jingwen Wang
Vice president,produsts
Platform Computing lnc