
第1章 英文(1)

Once there was an Airedale puppy and she was named Wag-Tail-Bess because her Mother's name was Bess and her Father's name was Wags.

But Wag-Tail-Bess never wagged her tail or stuck up her ears or smiled as an Airedale should,so she was called plain Bess.

Bess was so shy she was afraid of almost everything,although she was big enough to know better.

When Bess was Outdoors she was afraid to come Indoors,and when she was Indoors she was afraid to go Outdoors.

When Bess was taken walking she was afraid to walk forward,so she would try to walk backwards,and when she couldn't go backwards—

She would lie down.

Bess was even afraid to eat her dinner.

She would sniff at it on this side and sniff at it on that side,until at last she would get so hungry.She would gulp down her dinner without chewing it at all.

Then Bess would be afraid because her tummy ached.

At night time Bess was afraid of a STRANGE BLACK CREATURE.