A mouse and a weasel once dwelt in the house of a poor peasant,one of whose friends fell sick and the doctor prescribed him husked sesame. So he sought of one of his comrades sesame and gave the peasant a measure thereof to husk for him;and he carried it home to his wife and bade her dress it. So she steeped it and husked it and spread it out to dry. When the weasel saw the grain,he came up to it and fell to carrying it away to his hole,nor stinted all day,till he had borne off the most of it.
Presently,in came the peasants wife,and seeing great part of the sesame gone,stood awhile wondering;after which she sat down to watch and find out the cause. After awhile,out came the weasel to carry off more of the grain,but spying the woman seated there,knew that she was on the watch for him and said to himself,Verily,this affair is like to end ill. I fear me this woman is on the watch for me and Fortune is no friend to those who look not to the issues: so I must do a fair deed,whereby I may manifest my innocence and wash out all the ill I have done.'
So saying,he began to take of the sesame in his hole and carry it out and lay it back upon the rest. The woman stood by and seeing the weasel do thus,said in herself,Verily,this is not the thief,for he brings it back from the hole of him that stole it and returns it to its place. Indeed,he hath done us a kindness in restoring us the sesame and the reward of those that do us good is that we do them the like. It is clear that this is not he who stole the grain. But I will not leave watching till I find out who is the thief.'The weasel guessed what was in her mind,so he went to the mouse and said to her,O my sister,there is no good in him who does not observe the claims of neighbourship and shows no constancy in friendship.'True,O my friend,'answered the mouse,and I delight in thee and in thy neighbourhood;but what is the motive of thy speech?Quoth the weasel,The master of the house has brought home sesame and has eaten his fill of it,he and his family,and left much;every living soul has eaten of it,and if thou take of it in thy turn,thou art worthier thereof than any other.'This pleased the mouse and she chirped and danced and frisked her ears and tail,and greed for the grain deluded her;so she rose at once and issuing forth of her hole,saw the sesame peeled and dry,shining with whiteness,and the woman sitting watching,armed with a stick.
The mouse could not contain herself,but taking no thought to the issue of the affair,ran up to the sesame and fell to messing it and eating of it;whereupon the woman smote her with the stick and cleft her head in twain: so her greed and heedlessness of the issue of her actions led to her destruction.'
'By Allah,'said the Sultan to Shehrzad,'this is a goodly story!
Hast thou any story bearing upon the beauty of true friendship and the observance of its obligations in time of distress and rescuing from destruction?'Yes,answered she;'it hath teached me that.