"You are very kind," said she. "I know that here in the city you are very busy making money all the time, so I must not stay long.
Will you buy me some stocks, - some good safe stocks, which will bring me in at least four per cent?""I can promise to do that," Laverick answered. "Have you any choice?""No, I have no choice," Louise told him. "I bring with me a cheque, - see, I give it to you, - it is for six thousand pounds. I would like to buy some stocks with this, and to know the names so that Imay watch them in the paper. I like to see whether they go up or down, but I do not wish to risk their going down too much. It is something like gambling but it is no trouble.""Your money shall be spent in a few minutes, Mademoiselle," Laverick assured her, "and I think I can promise you that for a week or two, at any rate, your stocks will go up. With regard to selling - ""I leave everything to you," she interrupted, "only let me know what you propose.""We will do our best," Laverick promised.
"It is good," she said. "Money is a wonderful thing. Without it one can do little. You have not forgotten, Mr. Laverick, that you were going to show me this passage?""Certainly not. Come with me now, if you will. It is only a yard or two away."He took her out into the street. Every clerk in the office forgot his manners and craned his neck. Outside, Mademoiselle let fall her veil and passed unrecognized. Laverick showed her the entry.
"It was just there," he explained, "about half a dozen yards up on the left, that the body was found."She looked at the place steadily. Then she looked along the passage.
"Where does it lead to - that?" she asked.
"Come and I will show you. On the left" - as they passed along the flagged pavement - "is St. Nicholas Church and churchyard. On the right here there are just offices. The street in front of us is Henschell Street. All of those buildings are stockbrokers' offices.""And directly opposite," she asked, - "that is a caf? is it not, - a restaurant, as you would call it?"Laverick nodded.
"That is so," he agreed. "One goes in there sometimes for a drink.""And a meeting place, perhaps?" she inquired. "It would probably be a meeting place. One might leave there and walk down this passage naturally enough."Laverick inclined his head.
"As a matter of fact," he declared, "I think that the evidence went to prove that there were no visitors in the restaurant that night.
You see, all these offices round here close at six or seven o'clock, and the whole neighborhood becomes deserted."She shrugged her shoulders impatiently.
"Your English police, they do not know how to collect evidence. In the hands of Frenchmen, this mystery would have been solved long before now. The guilty person would be in the hands of the law.
As it is, I suppose that he will go free.""Well, we must give the police a chance, at any rate," answered Laverick. "They haven't had much time so far.""No," she admitted, "they have not had much time. I wonder - " She hesitated for a moment and did not conclude her sentence. "Come,"she exclaimed, with a little shiver, "let us go back to your office!
This place is not cheerful. All the time I think of that poor man.
It does make me frightened."
Laverick escorted his visitor back to the electric brougham which was waiting before his door.
"A list of stocks purchased on your behalf will reach you by to-night's post," he promised her. "We shall do our best in your interests."He held out his hand, but she seemed in no hurry to let him go.
"You are very kind, Mr. Laverick. I would like to see you again very soon. You have heard me sing in Samson and Delilah?""Not yet, but I am hoping to very shortly.""To-night," she declared, "you must come to the Opera House. Ileave a box for you at the door. Send me round a note that you are there, and it is possible that I may see you. It is against the rules, but for me there are no rules."Laverick hesitating, she leaned forward and looked into his face.