"We will fight by your side, of course," said Henry, "but we wish to serve on the flank as an independent band.We can be of more service in that manner."The colonel thanked them gratefully.
"Act as you think best," he said.
The five stood near one of the gates, while the little force formed in ranks.Almost for the first time they were gloomy upon going into battle.They had seen the strength of that army of Indians, renegades, Tories, Canadians, and English advancing under the banner of England, and they knew the power and fanaticism of the Indian leaders.They believed that the terrible Queen Esther, tomahawk in hand, had continually chanted to them her songs of blood as they came down the river.It was now the third of July, and valley and river were beautiful in the golden sunlight.The foliage showed vivid and deep green on either line of high hills.The summer sun had never shown more kindly over the lovely valley.
The time was now three o'clock.The gates of the fort were thrown open, and the little army marched out, only three hundred, of whom seventy were old men, or boys so young that in our day they would be called children.Yet they marched bravely against the picked warriors of the Iroquois, trained from infancy to the forest and war, and a formidable body of white rovers who wished to destroy the little colony of "rebels," as they called them.
Small though it might be, it was a gallant army.Young and old held their heads high.A banner was flying, and a boy beat a steady insistent roll upon a drum.Henry and his comrades were on the left flank, the river was on the right.The great gates had closed behind them, shutting in the women and the children.
The sun blazed down, throwing everything into relief with its intense, vivid light playing upon the brown faces of the borderers, their rifles and their homespun clothes.Colonel Butler and two or three of his officers were on horseback, leading the van.Now that the decision was to fight, the older officers, who had opposed it, were in the very front.Forward they went, and spread out a little, but with the right flank still resting on the river, and the left extended on the plain.
The five were on the edge of the plain, a little detached from the others, searching the forest for a sign of the enemy, who was already so near.Their gloom did not decrease.Neither the rolling of the drum nor the flaunting of the banner had any effect.Brave though the men might be, this was not the way in which they should meet an Indian foe who outnumbered them four or five to one.
"I don't like it," muttered Tom Ross.
"Nor ' do I," said Henry, "but remember that whatever happens we all stand together.""We remember!" said the others.
On-they went, and the five moving faster were now ahead of the main force some hundred yards.They swung in a little toward the river.The banks here were highland off to the left was a large swamp.The five now checked speed and moved with great wariness.
They saw nothing, and they heard nothing, either, until they went forty or fifty yards farther.Then a low droning sound came to their ears.It was the voice of one yet far away, but they knew it.It was the terrible chant of Queen Esther, in this moment the most ruthless of all the savages, and inflaming them continuously for the combat.
The five threw themselves flat on their faces, and waited a little.The chant grew louder, and then through the foliage they saw the ominous figure approaching.She was much as she had been on that night when they first beheld her.She wore the same dress of barbaric colors, she swung the same great tomahawk about her head, and sang all the time of fire and blood and death.
They saw behind her the figures of chiefs, naked to the breech cloth for battle, their bronze bodies glistening with the war paint, and bright feathers gleaming in their hair.Henry recognized the tall form of Timmendiquas, notable by his height, and around him his little band of Wyandots, ready to prove themselves mighty warriors to their eastern friends the Iroquois.
Back of these was a long line of Indians and their white allies, Sir John Johnson's Royal Greens and Butler's Rangers in the center, bearing the flag of England.The warriors, of whom the Senecas were most numerous, were gathered in greatest numbers on their right flank, facing the left flank of the Americans.
Sangerachte and Hiokatoo, who had taken two English prisoners at Braddock's defeat, and who had afterwards burned them both alive with his own hand, were the principal leaders of the Senecas.
Henry caught a glimpse of "Indian" Butler in the center, with a great blood-red handkerchief tied around his head, and, despite the forest, he noticed with a great sinking of the heart how far the hostile line extended.It could wrap itself like a python around the defense.
"It's a tale that will soon be told," said Paul.
They went back swiftly, and warned Colonel Butler that the enemy was at band.Even as they spoke they heard the loud wailing chant of Queen Esther, and then came the war whoop, pouring from a thousand throats, swelling defiant and fierce like the cry of a wounded beast.The farmers, the boys, and the old men, most of whom had never been in battle, might well tremble at this ominous sound, so great in volume and extending so far into the forest.
But they stood firm, drawing themselves into a somewhat more compact body, and still advancing with their banners flying, and the boy beating out that steady roll on the drum.
The enemy now came into full sight, and Colonel Butler deployed his force in line of battle, his right resting on the high bank of the river and his left against the swamp.Forward pressed the motley army of the other Butler, he of sanguinary and cruel fame, and the bulk of his force came into view, the sun shining down on the green uniforms of the English and the naked brown bodies of the Iroquois.