第14章 How the Brigadier Captured Saragossa(5)
There was a groaning, but no reply."Is that you, Monsieur Hubert?""Yes, yes," sighed the voice, so low that I could hardly hear it."Water, water, for Heaven's sake, water!"I advanced in the direction of the sound, but only to come in contact with the wall.Again I heard a groan, but this time there could be no doubt that it was above my head.I put up my hands, but they felt only empty air.
"Where are you?" I cried.
"Here!Here!" whispered the strange, tremulous voice.
I stretched my hand along the wall and I came upon a man's naked foot.It was as high as my face, and yet, so far as I could feel, it had nothing to support it.I staggered back in amazement.Then I took a tinder- box from my pocket and struck a light.At the first flash a man seemed to be floating in the air in front of me, and I dropped the box in my amazement.Again with tremulous fingers I struck the flint against the steel, and this time I lit not only the tinder but the wax taper.I held it up, and if my amazement was lessened my horror was increased by that which it revealed.
The man had been nailed to the wall as a weasel is nailed to the doorof a barn.Huge spikes had been driven through his hands and his feet.The poor wretch was in his last agony, his head sunk upon his shoulder and his blackened tongue protruding from his lips.He was dying as much from thirst as from his wounds, and these inhuman wretches had placed a beaker of wine upon the table in front of him to add a fresh pang to his tortures.
I raised it to his lips.He had still strength enough to swallow, and the light came back a little to his dim eyes.
"Are you a Frenchman?" he whispered.
"Yes.They have sent me to learn what had befallen you." "They discovered me.They have killed me for it.
But before I die let me tell you what I know.A little more of that wine, please! Quick! Quick! I am very near the end.My strength is going.Listen to me!
The powder is stored in the Mother Superior's room.
The wall is pierced, and the end of the train is in Sister Angela's cell, next the chapel.All was ready two days ago.But they discovered a letter and they tortured me.""Good heavens! have you been hanging here for two days?""It seems like two years.Comrade, I have served France, have I not? Then do one little service for me.
Stab me to the heart, dear friend! I implore you, I entreat you, to put an end to my sufferings."The man was indeed in a hopeless plight, and the kindest action would have been that for which he begged.
And yet I could not in cold blood drive my knife into his body, although I knew how I should have prayed for such a mercy had I been in his place.But a sudden thought crossed my mind.In my pocket I held that which would give an instant and a painless death.It was my own safeguard against torture, and yet this poor soul was in very pressing need of it, and he had deserved well of France.I took out my phial and emptied it into the cup of wine.I was in the act of handing it to him when I heard a sudden clash of arms outside the door.
In an instant I put out my light and slipped behind the window-curtains.
Next moment the door was flung open and two Spaniards strode into the room, fierce, swarthy men in the dress of citizens, but with muskets slung over their shoulders.I looked through the chink in the curtains in an agony of fear lest they had come upon my traces, but it was evident that their visit was simply in order to feast their eyes upon my unfortunate compatriot.
One of them held the lantern which he carried up in front of the dying man, and both of them burst into a shout of mocking laughter.Then the eyes of the man with the lantern fell upon the flagon of wine upon the table.He picked it up, held it, with a devilish grin, to the lips of Hubert, and then, as the poor wretch involuntarily inclined his head forward to reach it, he snatched it back and took a long gulp himself.At the same instant he uttered a loud cry, clutched wildly at his own throat, and fell stone-dead upon the floor.His comrade stared at him in horror and amazement.Then, overcome by his own superstitious fears, he gave a yell of terror and rushed madly from the room.I heard his feet clattering wildly on the cobble-stones until the sound died away in the distance.
The lantern had been left burning upon the table, and by its light I saw, as I came out from behind my curtain, that the unfortunate Hubert's head had fallen forward upon his chest and that he also was dead.That motion to reach the wine with his lips had been his last.A clock ticked loudly in the house, but otherwise all was absolutely still.On the wall hung the twisted form of the Frenchman, on the floor lay the motionless body of the Spaniard, all dimly lit by the horn lantern.For the first time in my life a frantic spasm of terror came over me.I had seen ten thousand men in every conceivable degree of mutilation stretched upon the ground, but the sight had never affected me like those two silent figures who were my companions in that shadowy room.I rushed into the street as the Spaniard had done, eager only to leave that house of gloom behind me, and I had run as far as the cathedral before my wits came back to me.
There I stopped, panting, in the shadow, and, my hand pressed to my side, I tried to collect my scattered senses and to plan out what I should do.As I stood there, breathless, the great brass bells roared twice above my head.It was two o'clock.Four was the hour when the storming-partywould be in its place.I had still two hours in which to act.