第21章 How the Brigadier Slew the Fox(4)
The orderly rode away to some outlying stable, and then in a few minutes there came a smart English groom with a cockade in his hat, leading by the bridle a horse-- and, oh, my friends, you have never known the perfection to which a horse can attain until you have seen a first- class English hunter.He was superb: tall, broad, strong, and yet as graceful and agile as a deer.Coal black he was in colour, and his neck, and his shoulder, and his quarters, and his fetlocks--how can I describe him all to you? The sun shone upon him as on polished ebony, and he raised his hoofs in a little playful dance so lightly and prettily, while he tossed his mane and whinnied with impatience.Never have I seen such a mixture of strength and beauty and grace.I had often wondered how the English Hussars had managed to ride over the chasseurs of the Guards in the affair at Astorga, but I wondered no longer when I saw the English horses.
There was a ring for fastening bridles at the door of the inn, and the groom tied the horse there while he entered the house.In an instant I had seen the chance which Fate had brought to me.Were I in that saddle I should be better off than when I started.Even Voltigeur could not compare with this magnificent creature.To think is to act with me.In one instant I was down the ladder and at the door of the stable.The next I was out and the bridle was in my hand.I bounded into the saddle.
Somebody, the master or the man, shouted wildly behind me.What cared I for his shouts! I touched the horse with my spurs and he bounded forward with such a spring that only a rider like myself could have sat him.I gave him his head and let him go--it did not matter to me where, so long as we left this inn far behind us.He thundered away across the vineyards, and in a very few minutes I had placed miles between myself and mypursuers.They could no longer tell in that wild country in which direction I had gone.I knew that I was safe, and so, riding to the top of a small hill, I drew my pencil and note-book from my pocket and proceeded to make plans of those camps which I could see and to draw the outline of the country.
He was a dear creature upon whom I sat, but it was not easy to draw upon his back, for every now and then his two ears would cock, and he would start and quiver with impatience.At first I could not understand this trick of his, but soon I observed that he only did it when a peculiar noise--"yoy, yoy, yoy"--came from somewhere among the oak woods beneath us.And then suddenly this strange cry changed into a most terrible screaming, with the frantic blowing of a horn.Instantly he went mad--this horse.His eyes blazed.His mane bristled.He bounded from the earth and bounded again, twisting and turning in a frenzy.My pencil flew one way and my note-book another.And then, as I looked down into the valley, an extraordinary sight met my eyes.
The hunt was streaming down it.The fox I could not see, but the dogs were in full cry, their noses down, their tails up, so close together that they might have been one great yellow and white moving carpet.And behind them rode the horsemen--my faith, what a sight! Consider every type which a great army could show.Some in hunting dress, but the most in uniforms: blue dragoons, red dragoons, red-trousered hussars, green riflemen, artillerymen, gold-slashed lancers, and most of all red, red, red, for the infantry officers ride as hard as the cavalry.
Such a crowd, some well mounted, some ill, but all flying along as best they might, the subaltern as good as the general, jostling and pushing, spurring and driving, with every thought thrown to the winds save that they should have the blood of this absurd fox! Truly, they are an extraordinary people, the English!
But I had little time to watch the hunt or to marvel at these islanders, for of all these mad creatures the very horse upon which I sat was the maddest.You understand that he was himself a hunter, and that the crying of these dogs was to him what the call of a cavalry trumpet in the street yonder would be to me.It thrilled him.It drove him wild.
Again and again he bounded into the air, and then, seizing the bit between his teeth, he plunged down the slope and galloped after the dogs.
I swore, and tugged, and pulled, but I was powerless.
This English General rode his horse with a snaffle only, and the beast had a mouth of iron.It was useless to pull him back.One might as well try to keep a grenadier from a wine-bottle.I gave it up in despair, and, settling down in the saddle, I prepared for the worst which could befall.
What a creature he was! Never have I felt such a horse between my knees.His great haunches gathered under him with every stride, and he shot forward ever faster and faster, stretched like a greyhound, while the wind beat in my face and whistled past my ears.I was wearing our undress jacket, a uniform simple and dark in itself--though some figures give distinction to any uniform--and I had taken the precaution to remove the long panache from my busby.The result was that, amidst the mixture of costumes in the hunt, there was no reason why mine should attract attention, or why these men, whose thoughts were all with the chase, should give any heed to me.The idea that a French officer might be riding with them was too absurd to enter their minds.I laughed as I rode, for, indeed, amid all the danger, there was something of comic in the situation.
I have said that the hunters were very unequally mounted, and so at the end of a few miles, instead of being one body of men, like a charging regiment, they were scattered over a considerable space, the better riders well up to the dogs and the others trailing away behind.