It is at once a duty and a pleasure for me to treat them as sisters.I shall, therefore, be doubly grateful to you, sir, if you will trust them to my care."
"I think that I cannot serve them better," answered M.de Gernande.
Then, addressing Baleinier, he added, "Will you consent, sir, to my bringing these two ladies hither? I will go and fetch them, while Mdlle.
de Cardoville prepares for her departure.They will then be able to leave this house with their relation."
"I entreat the lady to make use of this house as her own, until she leaves it," replied M.Baleinier."My carriage shall be at her orders to take her home."
"Madame," said the magistrate, approaching Adrienne, "without prejudging the question, which must soon be decided by, a court of law, I may at least regret that I was not called in sooner.Your situation must have been a very cruel one."
"There will at least remain to me, sir, from this mournful time," said Adrienne, with graceful dignity, "one precious and touching remembrance--
that of the interest which you have shown me.I hope that you will one day permit me to thank you, at my own home, not for the justice you have done me, but for the benevolent and paternal manner in which you have done it.And moreover, sir," added Mdlle.de Cardoville, with a sweet smile, "I should like to prove to you, that what they call my cure is complete."
M.de Gernande bowed respectfully in reply.During the abort dialogue of the magistrate with Adrienne, their backs were both turned to Baleinier and Rodin.The latter, profiting by this moment's opportunity, hastily slipped into the doctor's hand a note just written with a pencil in the bottom of his hat.Baleinier looked at Rodin in stupefied amazement.
But the latter made a peculiar sign, by raising his thumb to his forehead, and drawing it twice across his brow.Then he remained impassible.This had passed so rapidly, that when M.de Gernande turned round, Rodin was at a distance of several steps from Dr.Baleinier, and looking at Mdlle.de Cardoville with respectful interest.
"Permit me to accompany you, sir," said the doctor, preceding the magistrate, whom Mdlle.de Cardoville saluted with much affability.Then both went out, and Rodin remained alone with the young lady.
After conducting M.de Gernande to the outer door of the house, M.
Baleinier made haste to read the pencil-note written by Rodin; it ran as follows: "The magistrate is going to the convent, by way of the street.
Run round by the garden, and tell the Superior to obey the order I have given with regard to the two young girls.It is of the utmost importance."
The peculiar sign which Rodin had made, and the tenor of this note, proved to Dr.Baleinier, who was passing from surprise to amazement, that the secretary, far from betraying the reverend father, was still acting for the Greater Glory of the Lord.However, whilst he obeyed the orders, M.Baleinier sought in vain to penetrate the motives of Rodin's inexplicable conduct, who had himself informed the authorities of an affair that was to have been hushed up, and that might have the most disastrous consequences for Father d'Aigrigny, Madame de Saint-Dizier, and Baleinier himself.But let us return to Rodin, left alone with Mdlle, de Cardoville.