"Yes, -- count." The superintendent counted; there were eight persons.Pellisson and Gourville walked arm in arm, as if conversing upon vague and frivolous subjects.Sorel and two officers imitated them, in an opposite direction.The Abbe Fouquet walked alone.Fouquet, with M.de Chanost, walked as if entirely absorbed in the conversation of his son-in-law."Messieurs," said he, "let no one of you raise his head as he walks, or appear to pay attention to me;continue walking, we are alone, listen to me."A perfect silence ensued, disturbed only by the distant cries of the joyous guests, from the groves whence they beheld the fireworks.It was a whimsical spectacle this, of these men walking in groups, as if each one was occupied about something, whilst lending attention really to only one amongst them, who, himself, seemed to be speaking only to his companion."Messieurs," said Fouquet, "you have, without doubt, remarked the absence of two of my friends this evening, who were with us on Wednesday.For God's sake, abbe, do not stop, -- it is not necessary to enable you to listen; walk on, carrying your head in a natural way, and as you have an excellent sight, place yourself at the window, and if any one returns towards the gallery, give us notice by coughing."The abbe obeyed.
"I have not observed their absence," said Pellisson, who, at this moment, was turning his back to Fouquet and walking the other way.
"I do not see M.Lyodot," said Sorel, "who pays me my pension.""And I," said the abbe, at the window, "do not see M.
d'Eymeris, who owes me eleven hundred livres from our last game at Brelan.""Sorel," continued Fouquet, walking bent, and gloomily, "you will never receive your pension any more from M.Lyodot; and you, abbe, will never be paid your eleven hundred livres by M.d'Eymeris, for both are doomed to die.""To die!" exclaimed the whole assembly, arrested, in spite of themselves, in the comedy they were playing, by that terrible word.
"Recover yourselves, messieurs," said Fouquet, "for perhaps we are watched -- I said: to die!""To die!" repeated Pellisson; "what, the men I saw six days ago, full of health, gayety, and the spirit of the future!
What then is man, good God! that disease should thus bring him down, all at once!""It is not a disease," said Fouquet.
"Then there is a remedy," said Sorel.
"No remedy.Messieurs de Lyodot and D'Eymeris are on the eve of their last day.""Of what are these gentlemen dying, then?" asked an officer.
"Ask of him who kills them," replied Fouquet.
"Who kills them? Are they being killed, then?" cried the terrified chorus.
"They do better still; they are hanging them," murmured Fouquet, in a sinister voice, which sounded like a funeral knell in that rich gallery, splendid with pictures, flowers, velvet, and gold.Involuntarily every one stopped; the abbe quitted his window; the first fusees of the fireworks began to mount above the trees.A prolonged cry from the gardens attracted the superintendent to enjoy the spectacle.He drew near to a window, and his friends placed themselves behind him, attentive to his least wish."Messieurs," said he, "M.
Colbert has caused to be arrested, tried and will execute my two friends; what does it become me to do?""Mordieu!" exclaimed the abbe, the first one to speak, "run M.Colbert through the body.""Monseigneur," said Pellisson, "you must speak to his majesty.""The king, my dear Pellisson, himself signed the order for the execution.""Well!" said the Comte de Chanost, "the execution must not take place, then; that is all.""Impossible," said Gourville, "unless we could corrupt the jailers.""Or the governor," said Fouquet.
"This night the prisoners might be allowed to escape.""Which of you will take charge of the transaction?""I," said the abbe, "will carry the money.""And I," said Pellisson, "will be the bearer of the words.""Words and money," said Fouquet, "five hundred thousand livres to the governor of the conciergerie, that is sufficient, nevertheless, it shall be a million, if necessary.""A million!" cried the abbe; "why, for less than half, Iwould have half Paris sacked."
"There must be no disorder," said Pellisson."The governor being gained, the two prisoners escape; once clear of the fangs of the law, they will call together the enemies of Colbert, and prove to the king that his young justice, like all other monstrosities, is not infallible.""Go to Paris, then, Pellisson," said Fouquet, "and bring hither the two victims; to-morrow we shall see."Gourville gave Pellisson the five hundred thousand livres."Take care the wind does not carry you away," said the abbe;"what a responsibility.Peste! Let me help you a little.""Silence!" said Fouquet, "somebody is coming.Ah! the fireworks are producing a magical effect." At this moment a shower of sparks fell rustling among the branches of the neighboring trees.Pellisson and Gourville went out together by the door of the gallery; Fouquet descended to the garden with the five last plotters.