第22章 That the Law of Nature is a Divine Law(1)
I.The same Law which is Naturall,and Morall,is also wont to be called Divine,nor undeservedly,as well because Reason,which is the law of Nature,is given by God to every man for the rule of his actions;as because the precepts of living which are thence derived,are the same with those which have been delivered from the divine Majesty,for the LAWES of his heavenly Kingdome,by our Lord Iesus Christ,and his holy Prophets and Apostles.
What therefore by reasoning we have understood above concerning the law of nature,we will endeavour to confirme the same in this Chapter by holy writ.
II.But first we will shew those places in which it is declared,that the Divine Law is seated in right reason.Psalm 37,30,31.The mouth of the righteous will be exercised in wisdome,and his tongue will be talking of Iudgement:The law of God is in his heart.Jerem.31.33.I will put my law in their inward parts,and write it in their hearts.Psal.19.7.The law of the Lord is an undefiled law,converting the soule.ver.8.
The Commandement of the Lord is Pure,and giveth light unto the eyes.Deuteron.30.11.This Commandement which I command thee this day,it is not hidden from thee,neither is it far off,&c.
vers.14.But the word is very nigh unto thee,in thy mouth,and in thine heart;that thou maist doe it.Psal.119.34.Give me understanding,and I shall keep thy law.vers.105.Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,and a light unto my paths.Proverbs 9.10.The knowledge of the holy is understanding.John 1.1.Christ the Law-giver himselfe is called the word.vers.9.The same Christ is called the true light that ligiteth every man that cometh in the world.All which are deions of right reason,whose dictates,we have shewed before,are the lawes of nature.
III.But that which wee set downe for the fundamentall law of nature,namely,that Peace was to be sought for,is also the summe of the divine law,will be manifest by these places.Rom.
3.17.Righteousnesse,(which is the summe of the law)is called the way of Peace Psal.85.10.Righteousnesse and Peace have kissed each other.Matth.5.9.Blessed are the Peace-makers,for they shall be called the children of God.And after Saint Paul in his 6.Chapter to the Hebrewes,and the last verse had called Christ (the Legislator of that law we treat of)an High-Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedeck;he addes in the following Chapter,the first verse,This Melchizedeck was King of Salem,Priest of the most high God,&c.vers.2.First being by interpretation King of Righteousnesse,and after that also King of Salem,which is,King of peace.Whence it is cleare,that Christ the King in his Kingdome placeth Righteousnesse and Peace together.Psal.34.Eschue evill and doe good,seek Peace and ensue it.Isaiah 9.6,7.Unto us a child is born,unto us a Sonne is given,and the government shall be upon his shoulder,and his name shall be called Wonderfull,Counsellour,the mighty God,the everlasting Father,the Prince of peace.Isaiah 52.7.
How beautifull upon the mountaines are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings,that publisheth Peace,that bringeth good tidings of good,that publisheth salvation,that saith unto Sion,thy God reigneth!3Luke 2.14.In the Nativity of Christ,the voice of them that praised God saying,Glory be to God on high,and in earth Peace,good will towards men.And Isaiah 53.5.The Gospell is called the chastisement of our Peace.Isay 59.8.
Righteousnesse is called the way of Peace.The way of Peace they know not,and there is no judgement in their goings.Micah 5.4,5.speaking of the Messias,he saith thus,hee shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord,in the Majesty of the name of the Lord his God,and they shall abide,for now shall he be great unto the end of the earth;And this man shall be your Peace,&c.
Prov.3.1,2.My sonne forget not my law,but let thine heart keep my Commandements,for length of dayes,and long life,and Peace,shall they adde to thee.
IV.What appertains to the first law of abolishing the community of all things,or concerning the introduction of meum &tuum,We perceive in the first place how great an adversary this same Community is to Peace,by those words of Abraham to Lot,Gen.13.8.Let there be no strife I Pray thee,between thee and me,and between thy heard-men,and my heard-men,for we be brethren.Is not the whole land before thee?Separate thy selfe IPray thee from me.And all those places of Scripture by which we are forbidden to trespasse upon our neighbours,as,Thou shalt not kill,thou shalt not commit adultery,thou shalt not steal,&c.doe confirm the law of distinction between Mine,and Thine.
for they suppose the right of all men to all things to be taken away.
V.The same precepts establish the second law of nature of keeping trust:for what doth,Thou shalt not invade anothers right,import,but this?Thou shalt not take possession of that,which by thy contract ceaseth to be thine;but expressely set down,Psal.15.vers.1.To him that asked,Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle?It is answered,vers.3,4:He that sweareth unto his neighbour,and disappointeth him not;and Prov.6.1.My sonne if thou be surety for thy friend,if thou have stricken thy hand with a stranger,Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth.
VI.The third Law concerning gratitude is proved by these places,Deut.25.4.Thou shalt not muzzle the Oxe when he treadeth out the corn;which Saint Paul I.Cor.9.9.interprets to be spoken of men,not Oxen onely.Prov.17.13.Who so rewardeth evill for good,evill shall not depart from his house.
And Deut.20.10,11.When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it,then proclaim Peace unto it.And it shall be if it make thee answer of Peace,and oPen unto thee,then it shall be that all the people that is found therein,shall be tributaries unto thee,and they shall serve thee.Proverbs 3.29.Devise not evill against thy neighbour,seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.