The people are clothed, as one would expect, since there is no reason why modesty should disappear with our new forms.These new forms are the absolute reproduction of the old ones at their best, the young growing up and the old reverting until all come to the normal.People live in communities, as one would expect if like attracts like, and the male spirit still finds his true mate though there is no sexuality in the grosser sense and no childbirth.Since connections still endure, and those in the same state of development keep abreast, one would expect that nations are still roughly divided from each other, though language is no longer a bar, since thought has become a medium of conversation.How close is the connection between kindred souls over there is shown by the way in which Myers, Gurney and Roden Noel, all friends and co-workers on earth, sent messages together through Mrs.Holland, who knew none of them, each message being characteristic Page 75to those who knew the men in life -- or the way in which Professor Verrall and Professor Butcher, both famous Greek scholars, collaborated to produce the Greek problem which has been analysed by Mr.Gerald Balfour in The Ear of Dionysius , with the result that that excellent authority testified that the effect could have been attained by no other entities, save only Verrall and Butcher.It may be remarked in passing that these and other examples show clearly either that the spirits have the use of an excellent reference library or else that they have memories which produce something like omniscience.No human memory could possibly carry all the exact quotations which occur in such communications as The Ear of Dionysius.
These, roughly speaking, are the lines of the life beyond in its simplest expression, for it is not all simple, and we catch dim glimpses of endless circles below descending into gloom and endless circles above, ascending into glory, all improving, all purposeful, all intensely alive.All are agreed that no religion upon earth has any advantage over Page 76another, but that character and refinement are everything.At the same time, all are also in agreement that all religions which inculcate prayer, and an upward glance rather than eyes for ever on the level, are good.
In this sense, and in no other -- as a help to spiritual life -- every form may have a purpose for somebody.If to twirl a brass cylinder forces the Thibetan to admit that there is something higher than his mountains, and more precious than his yaks, then to that extent it is good.We must not be censorious in such matters.
There is one point which may be mentioned here which is at first startling and yet must commend itself to our reason when we reflect upon it.This is the constant assertion from the other side that the newly passed do not know that they are dead, and that it is a long time, sometimes a very long time, before they can be made to understand it.All of them agree that this state of bewilderment is harmful and retarding to the spirit, and that some knowledge of the actual truth upon this side is the only way to make sure of not being dazed upon the other.Page 77Finding conditions entirely different from anything for which either scientific or religious teaching had prepared them, it is no wonder that they look upon their new sensations as some strange dream, and the more rigidly orthodox have been their views, the more impossible do they find it to accept these new surroundings with all that they imply.For this reason, as well as for many others, this new revelation is a very needful thing for mankind.A smaller point of practical importance is that the aged should realise that it is still worth while to improve their minds, for though they have no time to use their fresh knowledge in this world it will remain as part of their mental outfit in the next.