By keeping the KOPJE between them and their pursuers, Tarzan of the Apes managed to cover nearly a mile before the men of Opar rounded the granite sentinel and saw the fugitive before them.With loud cries of savage delight, they broke into a mad run, thinking doubtless that they would soon overhaul the burdened runner; but they both underestimated the powers of the ape-man and overestimated the possibilities of their own short, crooked legs.
By maintaining an easy trot, Tarzan kept the distance between them always the same.Occasionally he would glance at the face so near his own.Had it not been for the faint beating of the heart pressed so close against his own, he would not have known that she was alive, so white and drawn was the poor, tired face.
And thus they came to the flat-topped mountain and the barrier cliffs.During the last mile Tarzan had let himself out, running like a deer that he might have ample time to descend the face of the cliffs before the Oparians could reach the summit and hurl rocks down upon them.And so it was that he was half a mile down the mountainside ere the fierce little men came panting to the edge.
With cries of rage and disappointment they ranged along the cliff top shaking their cudgels, and dancing up and down in a perfect passion of anger.But this time they did not pursue beyond the boundary of their own country.
Whether it was because they recalled the futility of their former long and irksome search, or after witnessing the ease with which the ape-man swung along before them, and the last burst of speed, they realized the utter hopelessness of further pursuit, it is difficult to say; but as Tarzan reached the woods that began at the base of the foothills which skirted the barrier cliffs they turned their faces once more toward Opar.
Just within the forest's edge, where he could yet watch the cliff tops, Tarzan laid his burden upon the grass, and going to the near-by rivulet brought water with which he bathed her face and hands; but even this did not revive her, and, greatly worried, he gathered the girl into his strong arms once more and hurried on toward the west.
Late in the afternoon Jane Porter regained consciousness.
She did not open her eyes at once--she was trying to recall the scenes that she had last witnessed.Ah, she remembered now.
The altar, the terrible priestess, the descending knife.
She gave a little shudder, for she thought that either this was death or that the knife had buried itself in her heart and she was experiencing the brief delirium preceding death.
And when finally she mustered courage to open her eyes, the sight that met them confirmed her fears, for she saw that she was being borne through a leafy paradise in the arms of her dead love."If this be death," she murmured, "thank God that I am dead.""You spoke, Jane!" cried Tarzan."You are regaining consciousness!""Yes, Tarzan of the Apes," she replied, and for the first time in months a smile of peace and happiness lighted her face.
"Thank God!" cried the ape-man, coming to the ground in a little grassy clearing beside the stream."I was in time, after all.""In time? What do you mean?" she questioned.
"In time to save you from death upon the altar, dear,"he replied."Do you not remember?"
"Save me from death?" she asked, in a puzzled tone.
"Are we not both dead, my Tarzan?"
He had placed her upon the grass by now, her back resting against the stem of a huge tree.At her question he stepped back where he could the better see her face.
"Dead!" he repeated, and then he laughed."You are not, Jane; and if you will return to the city of Opar and ask them who dwell there they will tell you that I was not dead a few short hours ago.No, dear, we are both very much alive.""But both Hazel and Monsieur Thuran told me that you had fallen into the ocean many miles from land," she urged, as though trying to convince him that he must indeed be dead."They said that there was no question but that it must have been you, and less that you could have survived or been picked up.""How can I convince you that I am no spirit?" he asked, with a laugh."It was I whom the delightful Monsieur Thuran pushed overboard, but I did not drown--I will tell you all about it after a while--and here I am very much the same wild man you first knew, Jane Porter."The girl rose slowly to her feet and came toward him.
"I cannot even yet believe it," she murmured."It cannot be that such happiness can be true after all the hideous things that I have passed through these awful months since the LADY ALICE went down."She came close to him and laid a hand, soft and trembling, upon his arm.
"It must be that I am dreaming, and that I shall awaken in a moment to see that awful knife descending toward my heart--kiss me, dear, just once before I lose my dream forever."Tarzan of the Apes needed no second invitation.He took the girl he loved in his strong arms, and kissed her not once, but a hundred times, until she lay there panting for breath;yet when he stopped she put her arms about his neck and drew his lips down to hers once more.
"Am I alive and a reality, or am I but a dream?" he asked.
"If you are not alive, my man," she answered, "I pray that I may die thus before I awaken to the terrible realities of my last waking moments."For a while both were silent--gazing into each others'
eyes as though each still questioned the reality of the wonderful happiness that had come to them.The past, with all its hideous disappointments and horrors, was forgotten--the future did not belong to them; but the present--ah, it was theirs; none could take it from them.It was the girl who first broke the sweet silence.
"Where are we going, dear?" she asked."What are we going to do?""Where would you like best to go?" he asked."What would you like best to do?""To go where you go, my man; to do whatever seems best to you," she answered.
"But Clayton?" he asked.For a moment he had forgotten that there existed upon the earth other than they two.
"We have forgotten your husband."
"I am not married, Tarzan of the Apes," she cried.