In vain did Heideck, on the day following the night-attack, wait for a message from Edith, giving him an opportunity of seeing her again.He was prepared to be taken to task by Irwin on account of his evening visit at the villa.But the Captain did not show himself.
In the early morning Heideck had been summoned to the Colonel to report on the incident of the preceding night.The conversation had been short, and Heideck gained the impression that the Colonel observed a studied reserve in his questions.
He evidently desired the German to believe that in his own conviction they had only to deal with bold burglars, who had acted on their own responsibility.He mentioned quite incidentally that the dead man had been recognised as one of the Maharajah's bodyguard.To Heideck's inquiry whether the killing of the man could involve him in difficulties with the civil authorities, the Colonel answered with a decisive--"No.You acted in justifiable self-defence in shooting the fellow down.I give you my word, you will neither be troubled about it by the authorities nor by the Maharajah."His inquiry after Mrs.Irwin's health was also satisfactorily answered.
"The lady, I am glad to say, is in the best of health," said the Colonel."She has admirable courage."The next morning again, Captain Irwin neither made his appearance nor sent any message.Heideck and Prince Tchajawadse were sitting in their bungalow at breakfast discussing the important intelligence brought by the morning papers.
The India Times declared that Russia had infringed the treaties of London by her invasion of Afghanistan, and that England was thus justified, nay compelled, to send an army to Afghanistan.It was earnestly to be hoped that peaceful negotiations would succeed in averting the threatened conflict.But should the Russian army not return to Turkestan, England also would be obliged to have recourse to strong measures.An English force would occupy Afghanistan, and compel the Ameer, as an ally of the Indian Government, to fulfil his obligations.To provide for all contingencies, a strong fleet was being fitted out in the harbours of Portsmouth and Plymouth to proceed to the Baltic at the right moment.
"Still more significant than this," said Heideck, "is the fact that the two and a half per cent.Consols were quoted at ninety yesterday on the London Exchange, while a week ago they stood at ninety-six.The English are reluctant to declare openly that war has already commenced.""War without a declaration of war," the Prince agreed."In any case we must hurry, if we are to get over the frontier.I should be sorry to miss the moment when fighting begins in Afghanistan.""I can feel with you there.But there really is no time to lose.""If you agree, we will start this very day.At midnight we shall arrive at Mooltan, and at noon to-morrow in Attock.To-morrow night we can be in Peshawar.There we must get our permits to cross the Khyber Pass.The sooner we get through the Pass the better, for later we might have difficulties in obtaining permission.""I hope you are carrying nothing suspicious about you--charts, drawings, or things of that sort."The Russian smilingly shook his head."Nothing but Murray's Guide, the indispensable companion of all travellers; I should take good care not to take anything else.As for you, of course you need not be so careful.""Why?"
"Because you are a German.There is no war with Germany, but Ishould at once be in danger of being arrested as a spy.""I really believe that neither of us need fear anything, even if we were recognised as officers.I should think that there are quite as many English officers on Russian territory at this very moment as Russian officers here in India.""As long as war has not been actually declared, it is customary to be civil to the officers of foreign Powers, but, under the circumstances, I would not rely upon this.The possibility of being drumhead court-martialled and shot might not be remote.
Luckily, not even Roentgen rays could discover what a store of drawings, charts, and fortress plans I keep in my memory.But you have not answered my question yet, comrade!--are you prepared to start to-day?""I am sorry, but I must ask you not to count upon me; I should prefer to stay here for the present."On noting the surprise of the Russian he continued: "You yourself said just now that I, as a German, am in a less precarious position.Even if I am recognised as an officer, it is hardly probable that I should find myself in serious difficulties.At least, not here, where there is nothing to spy into."He did not betray that it was solely the thought of Mrs.Irwin that had suddenly made him change his plans.And the Russian evidently did not trouble further about his motives.
"Do you know what my whole anxiety is, at this moment?" he asked.