第159章 A.D.48-54(2)
Vitellius, having first put forward these arguments in a conciliatory speech, and met with decided acquiescence from the Senate, began afresh to point out, that, as they all recommended the emperor's marriage, they ought to select a lady conspicuous for noble rank and purity, herself too the mother of children."It cannot," he said, "be long a question that Agrippina stands first in nobility of birth.She has given proof too that she is not barren, and she has suitable moral qualities.It is, again, a singular advantage to us, due to divine providence, for a widow to be united to an emperor who has limited himself to his own lawful wives.We have heard from our fathers, we have ourselves seen that married women were seized at the caprice of the Caesars.This is quite alien to the propriety of our day.Rather let a precedent be now set for the taking of a wife by an emperor.But, it will be said, marriage with a brother's daughter is with us a novelty.True; but it is common in other countries, and there is no law to forbid it.Marriages of cousins were long unknown, but after a time they became frequent.
Custom adapts itself to expediency, and this novelty will hereafter take its place among recognized usages."There were some who rushed out of the Senate passionately protesting that if the emperor hesitated, they would use violence.Apromiscuous throng assembled, and kept exclaiming that the same too was the prayer of the Roman people.Claudius without further delay presented himself in the forum to their congratulations; then entering the Senate, he asked from them a decree which should decide that for the future marriages between uncles and brothers' daughters should be legal.There was, however, found only one person who desired such a marriage, Alledius Severus, a Roman knight, who, as many said, was swayed by the influence of Agrippina.Then came a revolution in the State, and everything was under the control of a woman, who did not, like Messalina, insult Rome by loose manners.It was a stringent, and, so to say, masculine despotism; there was sternness and generally arrogance in public, no sort of immodesty at home, unless it conduced to power.A boundless greed of wealth was veiled under the pretext that riches were being accumulated as a prop to the throne.
On the day of the marriage Silanus committed suicide, having up to that time prolonged his hope of life, or else choosing that day to heighten the popular indignation.His sister, Calvina, was banished from Italy.Claudius further added that sacrifices after the ordinances of King Tullius, and atonements were to be offered by the pontiffs in the grove of Diana, amid general ridicule at the idea devising penalties and propitiations for incest at such a time.
Agrippina, that she might not be conspicuous only by her evil deeds, procured for Annaeus Seneca a remission of his exile, and with it the praetorship.She thought this would be universally welcome, from the celebrity of his attainments, and it was her wish too for the boyhood of Domitius to be trained under so excellent an instructor, and for them to have the benefit of his counsels in their designs on the throne.For Seneca, it was believed, was devoted to Agrippina from a remembrance of her kindness, and an enemy to Claudius from a bitter sense of wrong.
It was then resolved to delay no longer.Memmius Pollio, the consul-elect, was induced by great promises to deliver a speech, praying Claudius to betroth Octavia to Domitius.The match was not unsuitable to the age of either, and was likely to develop still more important results.Pollio introduced the motion in much the same language as Vitellius had lately used.So Octavia was betrothed, and Domitius, besides his previous relationship, became now the emperor's affianced son-in-law, and an equal of Britannicus, through the exertions of his mother and the cunning of those who had been the accusers of Messalina, and feared the vengeance of her son.
About the same time an embassy from the Parthians, which had been sent, as I have stated, to solicit the return of Meherdates, was introduced into the Senate, and delivered a message to the following effect:- "They were not," they said, "unaware of the treaty of alliance, nor did their coming imply any revolt from the family of the Arsacids; indeed, even the son of Vonones, Phraates's grandson, was with them in their resistance to the despotism of Gotarzes, which was alike intolerable to the nobility and to the people.Already brothers, relatives, and distant kin had been swept off by murder after murder; wives actually pregnant, and tender children were added to Gotarzes' victims, while, slothful at home and unsuccessful in war, he made cruelty a screen for his feebleness.Between the Parthians and ourselves there was an ancient friendship, founded on a state alliance, and we ought to support allies who were our rivals in strength, and yet yielded to us out of respect.Kings' sons were given as hostages, in order that when Parthia was tired of home rule, it might fall back on the emperor and the Senate, and receive from them a better sovereign, familiar with Roman habits."In answer to these and like arguments Claudius began to speak of the grandeur of Rome and the submissive attitude of the Parthians.He compared himself to the Divine Augustus, from whom, he reminded them, they had sought a king, but omitted to mention Tiberius, though he too had sent them sovereigns.He added some advice for Meherdates, who was present, and told him not to be thinking of a despot and his slaves, but rather of a ruler among fellow citizens, and to practise clemency and justice which barbarians would like the more for being unused to them.Then he turned to the envoys and bestowed high praise on the young foster-son of Rome, as one whose self-control had hitherto been exemplary."Still," he said, "they must bear with the caprices of kings, and frequent revolutions were bad.