My transit from The Gables to the village depot was a funny mixture of good wishes and good byes,mud-puddles and shopping.A December twilight is not the most cheering time to enter upon a somewhat perilous enterprise,and,but for the presence of Vashti and neighbor Thorn,I fear that I might have added a drop of the briny to the native moisture of"The town I left behind me;"though I'd no thought of giving out:oh,bless you,no!When the engine screeched "Here we are,"I clutched my escort in a fervent embrace,and skipped into the car with as blithe a farewell as if going on a bridal tourthough I believe brides don't usually wear cavernous black bonnets and fuzzy brown coats,with a hair-brush,a pair of rubbers,two books,and a bag of ginger-bread distorting the pockets of the same.If I thought that any one would believe it,I'd boldly state that I slept from C.to B.,which would simplify matters immensely;but as I know they wouldn't,I'll confess that the head under the funereal coal-hod fermented with all manner of high thoughts and heroic purposes "to do or die,"perhaps both;and the heart under the fuzzy brown coat felt very tender with the memory of the dear old lady,probably sobbing over her army socks and the loss of her topsy-turvy Trib.At this juncture I took the veil,and what I did behind it is nobody's business;but I maintain that the soldier who cries when his mother says "Good bye,"is the boy to fight best,and die bravest,when the time comes,or go back to her better than he went.
Till nine o'clock I trotted about the city streets,doing those last errands which no woman would even go to heaven without attempting,if she could.Then I went to my usual refuge,and,fully intending to keep awake,as a sort of vigil appropriate to the occasion,fell fast asleep and dreamed propitious dreams till my rosy-faced cousin waked me with a kiss.
A bright day smiled upon my enterprise,and at ten I reported myself to my General,received last instructions and no end of the sympathetic encouragement which women give,in look,touch,and tone more effectually than in words.The next step was to get a free pass to Washington,for I'd no desire to waste my substance on railroad companies when "the boys"needed even a spinster's mite.A friend of mine had procured such a pass,and I was bent on doing likewise,though I had to face the president of the railroad to accomplish it.I'm a bashful individual,though I can't get any one to believe it;so it cost me a great effort to poke about the Worcester depot till the right door appeared,then walk into a room containing several gentlemen,and blunder out my request in a high state of stammer and blush.Nothing could have been more courteous than this dreaded President,but it was evident that I had made as absurd a demand as if I had asked for the nose off his respectable face.He referred me to the Governor at the State House,and I backed out,leaving him no doubt to regret that such mild maniacs were left at large.
Here was a Scylla and Charybdis business:as if a President wasn't trying enough,without the Governor of Massachusetts and the hub of the hub piled on top of that."I never can do it,"thought I."Tom will hoot at you if you don't,"whispered the inconvenient little voice that is always goading people to the performance of disagreeable duties,and always appeals to the most effective agent to produce the proper result.The idea of allowing any boy that ever wore a felt basin and a shoddy jacket with a microscopic tail,to crow over me,was preposterous,so giving myself a mental slap for such faint-heartedness,I streamed away across the Common,wondering if I ought to say "your Honor,or simply "Sir,"and decided upon the latter,fortifying myself with recollections of an evening in a charming green library,where I beheld the Governor placidly consuming oysters,and laughing as if Massachusetts was a myth,and he had no heavier burden on his shoulders than his host's handsome hands.
Like an energetic fly in a very large cobweb,I struggled through the State House,getting into all the wrong rooms and none of the right,till I turned desperate,and went into one,resolving not to come out till I'd made somebody hear and answer me.I suspect that of all the wrong places I had blundered into,this was the most so.But I didn't care;and,though the apartment was full of soldiers,surgeons,starers,and spittoons,I cornered a perfectly incapable person,and proceeded to pump for information with the following result:
"Was the Governor anywhere about?"
No,he wasn't.
"Could he tell me where to look?"
No,he couldn't.
"Did he know anything about free passes?"
No,he didn't.
"Was there any one there of whom I could inquire?"Not a person.
"Did he know of any place where information could be obtained?"Not a place.
"Could he throw the smallest gleam of light upon the matter,in any way?"Not a ray.
I am naturally irascible,and if I could have shaken this negative gentleman vigorously,the relief would have been immense.The prejudices of society forbidding this mode of redress,I merely glowered at him;and,before my wrath found vent in words,my General appeared,having seen me from an opposite window,and come to know what I was about.At her command the languid gentleman woke up,and troubled himself to remember that Major or Sergeant or something Mc K.knew all about the tickets,and his office was in Milk Street.I perked up instanter,and then,as if the exertion was too much for him,what did this animated wet blanket do but add
"I think Mc K.may have left Milk Street,now,and I don't know where he has gone.""Never mind;the new comers will know where he has moved to,my dear,so don't be discouraged;and if you don't succeed,come to me,and we will see what to do next,"said my General.