Out of the turmoil and horror that had begun with Aunt Juley's illness and was not even to end with Leonard's death,it seemed impossible to Margaret that healthy life should re-emerge.Events succeeded in a logical,yet senseless,train.People lost their humanity,and took values as arbitrary as those in a pack of playing-cards.It was natural that Henry should do this and cause Helen to do that,and then think her wrong for doing it;natural that she herself should think him wrong;natural that Leonard should want to know how Helen was,and come,and Charles be angry with him for coming--natural,but unreal.In this jangle of causes and effects what had become of their true selves?Here Leonard lay dead in the garden,from natural causes;yet life was a deep,deep river,death a blue sky,life was a house,death a wisp of hay,a flower,a tower,life and death were anything and everything,except this ordered insanity,where the king takes the queen,and the ace the king.Ah,no;there was beauty and adventure behind,such as the man at her feet had yearned for;there was hope this side of the grave;there were truer relationships beyond the limits that fetter us now.As a prisoner looks up and sees stars beckoning,so she,from the turmoil and horror of those days,caught glimpses of the diviner wheels.
And Helen,dumb with fright,but trying to keep calm for the child's sake,and Miss Avery,calm,but murmuring tenderly,"No one ever told the lad he'll have a child"--they also reminded her that horror is not the end.To what ultimate harmony we tend she did not know,but there seemed great chance that a child would be born into the world,to take the great chances of beauty and adventure that the world offers.She moved through the sunlit garden,gathering narcissi,crimson-eyed and white.There was nothing else to be done;the time for telegrams and anger was over,and it seemed wisest that the hands of Leonard should be folded on his breast and be filled with flowers.
Here was the father;leave it at that.Let Squalor be turned into Tragedy,whose eyes are the stars,and whose hands hold the sunset and the dawn.
And even the influx of officials,even the return of the doctor,vulgar and acute,could not shake her belief in the eternity of beauty.Science explained people,but could not understand them.
After long centuries among the bones and muscles it might be advancing to knowledge of the nerves,but this would never give understanding.
One could open the heart to Mr.Mansbridge and his sort without discovering its secrets to them,for they wanted everything down in black and white,and black and white was exactly what they were left with.
They questioned her closely about Charles.
She never suspected why.Death had come,and the doctor agreed that it was due to heart disease.They asked to see her father's sword.
She explained that Charles's anger was natural,but mistaken.Miserable questions about Leonard followed,all of which she answered unfalteringly.
Then back to Charles again."No doubt Mr.Wilcox may have induced death,"she said;"but if it wasn't one thing it would have been another,as you yourselves know."At last they thanked her,and took the sword and the body down to Hilton.She began to pick up the books from the floor.
Helen had gone to the farm.It was the best place for her,since she had to wait for the inquest.Though,as if things were not hard enough,Madge and her husband had raised trouble;they did not see why they should receive the offscourings of Howards End.
And,of course,they were right.The whole world was going to be right,and amply avenge any brave talk against the conventions."Nothing matters,"the Schlegels had said in the past,"except one's self-respect and that of one's friends."When the time came,other things mattered terribly.
However,Madge had yielded,and Helen was assured of peace for one day and night,and tomorrow she would return to Germany.
As for herself,she determined to go too.
No message came from Henry;perhaps he expected her to apologize.
Now that she had time to think over her own tragedy,she was unrepentant.
She neither forgave him for his behaviour nor wished to forgive him.
Her speech to him seemed perfect.She would not have altered a word.
It had to be uttered once in a life,to adjust the lopsidedness of the world.It was spoken not only to her husband,but to thousands of men like him--a protest against the inner darkness in high places that comes with a commercial age.Though he would build up his life without hers,she could not apologize.He had refused to connect,on the clearest issue that can be laid before a man,and their love must take the consequences.
No,there was nothing more to be done.They had tried not to go over the precipice but perhaps the fall was inevitable.
And it comforted her to think that the future was certainly inevitable: