You see, this country breeds good horses." And the Inspector went on to discourse in full detail and with elaborate illustration upon the various breeds of horses the country could produce, and to classify the wonderful black stallion ridden by Raven, and all with such diligence and enthusiasm that no other of the party had an opportunity to take part in the conversation till Raven, in the convoy of Jerry, was seen approaching the house.Then the Superintendent rose.
"Well, Mrs.Cameron, I fear we must take our departure.These are rather crowded days with us.""What?" exclaimed Mandy."Within an hour of dinner? We can hardly allow that, you know.Besides, Mr.Cameron wants to have a great deal more talk with you."The Superintendent attempted to set forth various other reasons for a hasty departure, but they all seemed to lack sincerity, and after a few more ineffective trials he surrendered and sat down again in silence.
The next moment the door opened and Raven, followed by Jerry, stepped into the room.As his eye fell upon the Superintendent, instinctively he dropped his hands to his hips and made an involuntary movement backward, but only for an instant.Immediately he came forward and greeted Mandy with fine, old-fashioned courtesy.
"So delighted to meet you again, Mrs.Cameron, and also to meet your charming sister." He shook hands with both the ladies very warmly."Ah, Superintendent," he continued, "delighted to see you.
And you, Inspector," he said, giving them a nod as he laid off his outer leather riding coat."Hope I see you flourishing," he continued.His debonair manner had in it a quizzical touch of humor."Ah, Cameron, home again I see.I came across your tracks the other day."The men, who had risen to their feet upon his entrance, stood regarding him stiffly and made no other sign of recognition than a curt nod and a single word of greeting.
"You have had quite a trip," he continued, addressing himself to Cameron, and taking the chair offered by Mandy."I followed you part way, but you travel too fast for me.Much too strenuous work I found it.Why," he continued, looking narrowly at Cameron, "you are badly punished.When did you get in?""Two hours ago, Mr.Raven," said Mandy quickly, for her husband sat gazing stupidly into the fire."And he is quite done up.""Two hours ago?" exclaimed Raven in utter surprise."Do you mean to say that you have been traveling these last three days?"Cameron nodded.
"Why, my dear sir, not even the Indians face such cold.Only the Mounted Police venture out in weather like this--and those who want to get away from them.Ha! ha! Eh? Inspector? Ha! ha!" His gay, careless laugh rang out in the most cheery fashion.But only the ladies joined.The men stood grimly silent.
Mandy could not understand their grim and gloomy silence.By her cordiality she sought to cover up and atone for the studied and almost insulting indifference of her husband and her other guests.
In these attempts she was loyally supported by her sister-in-law, whose anger was roused by the all too obvious efforts on the part of her brother and his friends to ignore this stranger, if not to treat him with contempt.There was nothing in Raven's manner to indicate that he observed anything amiss in the bearing of the male members of the company about the fire.He met the attempt of the ladies at conversation with a brilliancy of effort that quite captivated them, and, in spite of themselves, drew the Superintendent and the Inspector into the flow of talk.
As the hour of the midday meal approached Mandy rose from her place by the fire and said:
"You will stay with us to dinner, Mr.Raven? We dine at midday.
It is not often we have such a distinguished and interesting company.""Thank you, no," said Raven."I merely looked in to give your husband a bit of interesting information.And, by the way, I have a bit of information that might interest the Superintendent as well.""Well," said Mandy, "we are to have the pleasure of the Superintendent and the Inspector to dinner with us to-day, and you can give them all the information you think necessary while you are waiting."Raven hesitated while he glanced at the faces of the men beside him.What he read there drew from him a little hard smile of amused contempt.
"Please do not ask me again, Mrs.Cameron," he said."You know not how you strain my powers of resistance when I really dare not--may not," he corrected himself with a quick glance at the Superintendent, "stay in this most interesting company and enjoy your most grateful hospitality any longer.And now my information is soon given.
First of all for you, Cameron--I shall not apologize to you, Mrs.
Cameron, for delivering it in your presence.I do you the honor to believe that you ought to know--briefly my information is this.
Little Pine, in whose movements you are all interested, Iunderstand, is at this present moment lodging with the Sarcee Indians, and next week will move on to visit old Crowfoot.The Sarcee visit amounts to little, but the visit to old Crowfoot--well, I need say no more to you, Cameron.Probably you know more about the inside workings of old Crowfoot's mind than I do.""Visiting Crowfoot?" exclaimed Cameron."Then I was there too soon.""That is his present intention, and I have no doubt the program will be carried out," said Raven."My information is from the inside.Of course," he continued, "I know you have run across the trail of the North Cree and Salteaux runners from Big Bear and Beardy.They are not to be despised.But Little Pine is a different person from these gentlemen.The big game is scheduled for the early spring, will probably come off in about six weeks.
And now," he said, rising from his chair, "I must be off."At this point Smith came in and quietly took a seat beside Jerry near the door.