Natural history, improperly called history , is an essential part of natural philosophy.The history of events has been divided into sacred history and profane history; sacred history is a series of divine and miraculous operations whereby it pleased God once on a time to lead the Jewish nation, and to-day to exercise our faith.FIRST FOUNDATIONS OF HISTORYThe first foundations of all history are the recitals of the fathers to the children, transmitted afterward from one generation to another;at their origin they are at the very most probable, when they do not shock common sense, and they lose one degree of probability in each generation With time the fable grows and the truth grows less; from this it comes that all the origins of peoples are absurd.Thus the Egyptians had been governed by the gods for many centuries; then they had been governed by demi-gods; finally they had had kings for eleven thousand three hundred and forty years; and in that space of time the sun had changed four times from east to west.
The Phoenicians of Alexander's time claimed to have been established in their country for thirty, thousand years; and these thirty thousand years were filled with as many prodigies as the Egyptian chronology.Iavow that physically it is very possible that Phoenicia has existed not merely thirty thousand years, but thirty thousand milliards of centuries, and that it experienced like the rest of the world thirty million revolutions.
But we have no knowledge of it.One knows what a ridiculously marvellous state of affairs ruled in the ancient history of the Greeks.
The Romans, for all that they were serious, did not any the less envelop the history of their early centuries in fables.This nation, so recent compared with the Asiatic peoples, was five hundred years without historians.
It is not surprising, therefore, that Romulus was the son of Mars, that a she-wolf was his foster mother, that he marched with a thousand men of his village of Rome against twenty-five thousand combatants of the village of the Sabines: that later he became a god; that Tarquin, the ancient, cut a stone with a razor, and that a vestal drew a ship to land with her girdle, etc.
The early annals of all our modern nations are no less fabulous; the prodigious and improbable things must sometimes be reported, but as proofs of human credulity: they enter the history of opinions and foolishnesses;but the field is too vast.OF RECORDS
In order to know with a little certainty something of ancient history, there is only one means, it is to see if any incontestable records remain.
We have only three in writing : the first is the collection of astronomical observations made for nineteen hundred consecutive years at Babylon, sent by Alexander to Greece.This series of observations, which goes back to two thousand two hundred and thirty-four years before our era, proves invincibly that the Baylonians existed as a body of people several centuries before;for the arts are only the work of time, and men's natural laziness leaves them for some thousand of years without other knowledge and without other talents than those of feeding themselves, of defending themselves against the injuries of the air, and of slaughtering each other.Let us judge by the Germans and by the English in Caesar's time, by the Tartars to-day, by the two-thirds of Africa, and by all the peoples we have found in America, excepting in some respects the kingdoms of Peru and of Mexico, and the republic of Tlascala.Let us remember that in the whole of this new world nobody knew how to read or write.
The second record is the central eclipse of the sun, calculated in China two thousand one hundred and fifty-five years before our era, and recognized true by our astronomers.Of the Chinese the same thing must be said as of the peoples of Babylon; they already comprised a vast civilized empire without a doubt.But what puts the Chinese above all the peoples of the earth is that neither their laws, nor their customs, nor the language spoken among them by their lettered mandarins has changed for about four thousand years.Nevertheless, this nation and the nation of India, the most ancient of all those that exist to-day, which possess the vastest and the most beautiful country, which invented almost all the arts before we had learned any of them, have always been omitted right to our days in all so-called universal histories.And when a Spaniard and a Frenchman took a census of the nations, neither one nor the other failed to call his country the first monarchy in the world, and his king the greatest king in the world, flattering himself that his king would give him a pension as soon as he had read his book.
The third record, very inferior to the two others, exists in the Arundel marbles: the chronicle of Athens is graved there two hundred and sixty-three years before our era; but it goes back only to Cecrops, thirteen hundred and nineteen years beyond the time when it was engraved.In the history of antiquity those are the sole incontestable epochs that we have.
Let us give serious attention to these marbles brought back from Greece by Lord Arundel.Their chronicle begins fifteen hundred and eighty-two years before our era.That is to-day (1771) an antiquity of 3,353 years, and you do not see there a single fact touching on the miraculous, on the prodigious.It is the same with the Olympiads; it is not there that one should say Graecia mendax , lieing Greece.The Greeks knew very well how to distinguish between history and fable, between real facts and the tales of Herodotus: just as in their serious affairs their orators borrowed nothing from the speeches of the sophists or from the images of the poets.