Notwithstanding a press of business, Jim went and did his duty in thanking the Baron.The latter saw him in his fishing-tackle room, an apartment littered with every appliance that a votary of the rod could require.
'And when is the wedding-day to be, Hayward?' the Baron asked, after Jim had told him that matters were settled.
'It is not quite certain yet, my noble lord,' said Jim cheerfully.
'But I hope 'twill not be long after the time when God A'mighty christens the little apples.'
'And when is that?'
'St.Swithin's--the middle of July.'Tis to be some time in that month, she tells me.'
When Jim was gone the Baron seemed meditative.He went out, ascended the mount, and entered the weather-screen, where he looked at the seats, as though re-enacting in his fancy the scene of that memorable morning of fog.He turned his eyes to the angle of the shelter, round which Margery had suddenly appeared like a vision, and it was plain that he would not have minded her appearing there then.The juncture had indeed been such an impressive and critical one that she must have seemed rather a heavenly messenger than a passing milkmaid, more especially to a man like the Baron, who, despite the mystery of his origin and life, revealed himself to be a melancholy, emotional character--the Jacques of this forest and stream.
Behind the mount the ground rose yet higher, ascending to a plantation which sheltered the house.The Baron strolled up here, and bent his gaze over the distance.The valley of the Exe lay before him, with its shining river, the brooks that fed it, and the trickling springs that fed the brooks.The situation of Margery's house was visible, though not the house itself; and the Baron gazed that way for an infinitely long time, till, remembering himself, he moved on.
Instead of returning to the house he went along the ridge till he arrived at the verge of Chillington Wood, and in the same desultory manner roamed under the trees, not pausing till he had come to Three-Walks-End, and the hollow elm hard by.He peeped in at the rift.In the soft dry layer of touch-wood that floored the hollow Margery's tracks were still visible, as she had made them there when dressing for the ball.
'Little Margery!' murmured the Baron.
In a moment he thought better of this mood, and turned to go home.
But behold, a form stood behind him--that of the girl whose name had been on his lips.
She was in utter confusion.'I--I--did not know you were here, sir!'
she began.'I was out for a little walk.' She could get no further;her eyes filled with tears.That spice of wilfulness, even hardness, which characterized her in Jim's company, magically disappeared in the presence of the Baron.
'Never mind, never mind,' said he, masking under a severe manner whatever he felt.'The meeting is awkward, and ought not to have occurred, especially if as I suppose, you are shortly to be married to James Hayward.But it cannot be helped now.You had no idea Iwas here, of course.Neither had I of seeing you.Remember you cannot be too careful,' continued the Baron, in the same grave tone;'and I strongly request you as a friend to do your utmost to avoid meetings like this.When you saw me before I turned, why did you not go away?'
'I did not see you, sir.I did not think of seeing you.I was walking this way, and I only looked in to see the tree.'
'That shows you have been thinking of things you should not think of,' returned the Baron.'Good morning.'
Margery could answer nothing.A browbeaten glance, almost of misery, was all she gave him.He took a slow step away from her; then turned suddenly back and, stooping, impulsively kissed her cheek, taking her as much by surprise as ever a woman was taken in her life.
Immediately after he went off with a flushed face and rapid strides, which he did not check till he was within his own boundaries.
The haymaking season now set in vigorously, and the weir-hatches were all drawn in the meads to drain off the water.The streams ran themselves dry, and there was no longer any difficulty in walking about among them.The Baron could very well witness from the elevations about his house the activity which followed these preliminaries.The white shirt-sleeves of the mowers glistened in the sun, the scythes flashed, voices echoed, snatches of song floated about, and there were glimpses of red waggon-wheels, purple gowns, and many-coloured handkerchiefs.
The Baron had been told that the haymaking was to be followed by the wedding, and had he gone down the vale to the dairy he would have had evidence to that effect.Dairyman Tucker's house was in a whirlpool of bustle, and among other difficulties was that of turning the cheese-room into a genteel apartment for the time being, and hiding the awkwardness of having to pass through the milk-house to get to the parlour door.These household contrivances appeared to interest Margery much more than the great question of dressing for the ceremony and the ceremony itself.In all relating to that she showed an indescribable backwardness, which later on was well remembered.