He was reckless and imprudent:yesterday he insisted on your sharing a bottle of claret with him (and claret was claret then,before the cheap-and-nasty treaty),and to-morrow he asks you for the loan of a penny to buy the last number of the LAPSUS.
The student of LAW,again,was a learned man.'He had turned over the leaves of Justinian's INSTITUTES,and knew that they were written in Latin.He was well acquainted with the title-page of Blackstone's COMMENTARIES,and ARGAL (as the gravedigger in HAMLET says)he was not a person to be laughed at.'He attended the Parliament House in the character of a critic,and could give you stale sneers at all the celebrated speakers.He was the terror of essayists at the Speculative or the Forensic.In social qualities he seems to have stood unrivalled.Even in the police-office we find him shining with undiminished lustre.'If a CHARLIE should find him rather noisy at an untimely hour,and venture to take him into custody,he appears next morning like a Daniel come to judgment.He opens his mouth to speak,and the divine precepts of unchanging justice and Scots law flow from his tongue.The magistrate listens in amazement,and fines him only a couple of guineas.'
Such then were our predecessors and their College Magazine.
Barclay,Ambrose,Young Amos,and Fergusson were to them what the Cafe,the Rainbow,and Rutherford's are to us.An hour's reading in these old pages absolutely confuses us,there is so much that is similar and so much that is different;the follies and amusements are so like our own,and the manner of frolicking and enjoying are so changed,that one pauses and looks about him in philosophic judgment.The muddy quadrangle is thick with living students;but in our eyes it swarms also with the phantasmal white greatcoats and tilted hats of 1824.Two races meet:races alike and diverse.Two performances are played before our eyes;but the change seems merely of impersonators,of scenery,of costume.Plot and passion are the same.It is the fall of the spun shilling whether seventy-one or twenty-four has the best of it.
In a future number we hope to give a glance at the individualities of the present,and see whether the cast shall be head or tail -whether we or the readers of the LAPSUS stand higher in the balance.
II -THE MODERN STUDENT CONSIDERED GENERALLYWE have now reached the difficult portion of our task.MR.
TATLER,for all that we care,may have been as virulent as he liked about the students of a former;but for the iron to touch our sacred selves,for a brother of the Guild to betray its most privy infirmities,let such a Judas look to himself as he passes on his way to the Scots Law or the Diagnostic,below the solitary lamp at the corner of the dark quadrangle.
We confess that this idea alarms us.We enter a protest.We bind ourselves over verbally to keep the peace.We hope,moreover,that having thus made you secret to our misgivings,you will excuse us if we be dull,and set that down to caution which you might before have charged to the account of stupidity.
The natural tendency of civilisation is to obliterate those distinctions which are the best salt of life.All the fine old professional flavour in language has evaporated.Your very gravedigger has forgotten his avocation in his electorship,and would quibble on the Franchise over Ophelia's grave,instead of more appropriately discussing the duration of bodies under ground.From this tendency,from this gradual attrition of life,in which everything pointed and characteristic is being rubbed down,till the whole world begins to slip between our fingers in smooth undistinguishable sands,from this,we say,it follows that we must not attempt to join MR.TALLER in his simple division of students into LAW,DIVINITY,and MEDICAL.Nowadays the Faculties may shake hands over their follies;and,like Mrs.
Frail and Mrs.Foresight (in LOVE FOR LOVE)they may stand in the doors of opposite class-rooms,crying:'Sister,Sister -Sister everyway!'A few restrictions,indeed,remain to influence the followers of individual branches of study.The Divinity,for example,must be an avowed believer;and as this,in the present day,is unhappily considered by many as a confession of weakness,he is fain to choose one of two ways of gilding the distasteful orthodox bolus.Some swallow it in a thin jelly of metaphysics;for it is even a credit to believe in God on the evidence of some crack-jaw philosopher,although it is a decided slur to believe in Him on His own authority.Others again (and this we think the worst method),finding German grammar a somewhat dry morsel,run their own little heresy as a proof of independence;and deny one of the cardinal doctrines that they may hold the others without being laughed at.
Besides,however,such influences as these,there is little more distinction between the faculties than the traditionary ideal,handed down through a long sequence of students,and getting rounder and more featureless at each successive session.The plague of uniformity has descended on the College.Students (and indeed all sorts and conditions of men)now require their faculty and character hung round their neck on a placard,like the scenes in Shakespeare's theatre.
And in the midst of all this weary sameness,not the least common feature is the gravity of every face.No more does the merry medical run eagerly in the clear winter morning up the rugged sides of Arthur's Seat,and hear the church bells begin and thicken and die away below him among the gathered smoke of the city.He will not break Sunday to so little purpose.He no longer finds pleasure in the mere output of his surplus energy.He husbands his strength,and lays out walks,and reading,and amusement with deep consideration,so that he may get as much work and pleasure out of his body as he can,and waste none of his energy on mere impulse,or such flat enjoyment as an excursion in the country.