A sloping table-land of weather-beaten boulders now effectually separated them from the fire on the lower ridge.They presently began to descend on the further side of the crest,and at last dropped upon a wagon-road,and the first track of wheels that Key had seen for a fortnight.Rude as it was,it seemed to him the highway to fortune,for he knew that it passed Skinner's and then joined the great stage-road to Marysville,--now his ultimate destination.A few rods further on they came in view of Skinner's,lying like a dingy forgotten winter snowdrift on the mountain shelf.
It contained a post-office,tavern,blacksmith's shop,"general store,"and express-office,scarcely a dozen buildings in all,but all differing from Collinson's Mill in some vague suggestion of vitality,as if the daily regular pulse of civilization still beat,albeit languidly,in that remote extremity.There was anticipation and accomplishment twice a day;and as Key and Collinson rode up to the express-office,the express-wagon was standing before the door ready to start to meet the stagecoach at the cross-roads three miles away.This again seemed a special providence to Key.He had a brief official communication with Skinner as registrar,and duly recorded his claim;he had a hasty and confidential aside with Skinner as general storekeeper,and such was the unconscious magnetism developed by this embryo millionaire that Skinner extended the necessary credit to Collinson on Key's word alone.
That done,he rejoined Collinson in high spirits with the news,adding cheerfully,"And I dare say,if you want any further advances Skinner will give them to you on Parker's draft.""You mean that bit o'paper that chap left,"said Collinson gravely.
"I tore it up."
"You tore it up?"ejaculated Key.
"You hear me?Yes!"said Collinson.
Key stared at him.Surely it was again providential that he had not intrusted his secret to this utterly ignorant and prejudiced man!The slight twinges of conscience that his lie about the slippers had caused him disappeared at once.He could not have trusted him even in that;it would have been like this stupid fanatic to have prevented Key's preemption of that claim,until he,Collinson,had satisfied himself of the whereabouts of the missing proprietor.Was he quite sure that Collinson would not revisit the spot when he had gone?But he was ready for the emergency.
He had intended to leave his horse with Skinner as security for Collinson's provisions,but Skinner's liberality had made this unnecessary,and he now offered it to Collinson to use and keep for him until called for.This would enable his companion to "pack"his goods on the mule,and oblige him to return to the mill by the wagon-road and "outside trail,"as more commodious for the two animals.
"Ye ain't afeared o'the road agents?"suggested a bystander;"they just swarm on galloper's Ridge,and they 'held up'the down stage only last week.""They're not so lively since the deputy-sheriff's got a new idea about them,and has been lying low in the brush near Bald Top,"returned Skinner."Anyhow,they don't stop teams nor 'packs'
unless there's a chance of their getting some fancy horseflesh by it;and I reckon thar ain't much to tempt them thar,"he added,with a satirical side glance at his customer's cattle.But Key was already standing in the express-wagon,giving a farewell shake to his patient companion's hand,and this ingenuous pleasantry passed unnoticed.Nevertheless,as the express-wagon rolled away,his active fancy began to consider this new danger that might threaten the hidden wealth of his claim.But he reflected that for a time,at least,only the crude ore would be taken out and shipped to Marysville in a shape that offered no profit to the highwaymen.
Had it been a gold mine!--but here again was the interposition of Providence!
A week later Preble Key returned to Skinner's with a foreman and ten men,and an unlimited credit to draw upon at Marysville!
Expeditions of this kind created no surprise at Skinner's.Parties had before this entered the wilderness gayly,none knew where or what for;the sedate and silent woods had kept their secret while there;they had evaporated,none knew when or where--often,alas!