The discoveries which gained Sir Isaac Newton so universal a reputation,relate to the system of the world,to light,to geometrical infinities;and,lastly,to chronology,with which he used to amuse himself after the fatigue of his severer studies.
I will now acquaint you (without prolixity if possible)with the few things I have been able to comprehend of all these sublime ideas.
With regard to the system of our world,disputes were a long time maintained,on the cause that turns the planets,and keeps them in their orbits:and on those causes which make all bodies here below descend towards the surface of the earth.
The system of Descartes,explained and improved since his time,seemed to give a plausible reason for all those phenomena;and this reason seemed more just,as it is simple and intelligible to all capacities.But in philosophy,a student ought to doubt of the things he fancies he understands too easily,as much as of those he does not understand.
Gravity,the falling of accelerated bodies on the earth,the revolution of the planets in their orbits,their rotations round their axis,all this is mere motion.Now motion cannot perhaps be conceived any otherwise than by impulsion;therefore all those bodies must be impelled.But by what are they impelled?All space is full,it therefore is filled with a very subtile matter,since this is imperceptible to us;this matter goes from west to east,since all the planets are carried from west to east.Thus from hypothesis to hypothesis,from one appearance to another,philosophers have imagined a vast whirlpool of subtile matter,in which the planets are carried round the sun:they also have created another particular vortex which floats in the great one,and which turns daily round the planets.When all this is done,it is pretended that gravity depends on this diurnal motion;for,say these,the velocity of the subtile matter that turns round our little vortex,must be seventeen times more rapid than that of the earth;or,in case its velocity is seventeen times greater than that of the earth,its centrifugal force must be vastly greater,and consequently impel all bodies towards the earth.This is the cause of gravity,according to the Cartesian system.But the theorist,before he calculated the centrifugal force and velocity of the subtile matter,should first have been certain that it existed.
Sir Isaac Newton,seems to have destroyed all these great and little vortices,both that which carries the planets round the sun,as well as the other which supposes every planet to turn on its own axis.
First,with regard to the pretended little vortex of the earth,it is demonstrated that it must lose its motion by insensible degrees;it is demonstrated,that if the earth swims in a fluid,its density must be equal to that of the earth;and in case its density be the same,all the bodies we endeavour to move must meet with an insuperable resistance.
With regard to the great vortices,they are still more chimerical,and it is impossible to make them agree with Kepler's law,the truth of which has been demonstrated.Sir Isaac shows,that the revolution of the fluid in which Jupiter is supposed to be carried,is not the same with regard to the revolution of the fluid of the earth,as the revolution of Jupiter with respect to that of the earth.He proves,that as the planets make their revolutions in ellipses,and consequently being at a much greater distance one from the other in their Aphelia,and a little nearer in their Perihelia;the earth's velocity,for instance,ought to be greater when it is nearer Venus and Mars,because the fluid that carries it along,being then more pressed,ought to have a greater motion;and yet it is even then that the earth's motion is slower.
He proves that there is no such thing as a celestial matter which goes from west to east since the comets traverse those spaces,sometimes from east to west,and at other times from north to south.
In fine,the better to resolve,if possible,every difficulty,he proves,and even by experiments,that it is impossible there should be a plenum;and brings back the vacuum,which Aristotle and Descartes had banished from the world.