第129章 14th July,1838(1)
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.July 28,1838)VILLA SECA,DISTRICT OF TOLEDO,JULY 14,1838.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I write these lines from Villa Seca,a village situated on the bank of the Tagus about nine leagues from Madrid.A few minutes before my departure I received your letter of the 29th June,in which you mention letters being on the way for me.I,however,could not wait for them for many reasons,principally because in that event I should have lost a considerable number of Testaments,which I had sent before me.I am moreover tolerably well acquainted with the contents [of]those communications from the one which I have already received.
For some time past I have been determined at whatever risk to make an effort to circulate the Scriptures in the rural districts of New Castile,where I am grieved to say the most profound ignorance of true religion prevails.I have been induced to take up my quarters for the present in Villa Seca,from being well acquainted with a labourer of the place;moreover its situation is favourable to my views as there are many other villages in its vicinity.Poverty it is true abounds,but I am perfectly sure that our friends at home are disposed to make every reasonable sacrifice,and not for a moment to balance the dust of Mammon against the eternal welfare of their fellow-creatures.
For the last two days I have been riding in various directions.It is a great blessing that heat agrees with me wonderfully,as we have no less than thirty-six degrees according to Reaumur;otherwise it would be impossible for me to accomplish anything,the atmosphere resembling the flickering glow about the mouth of an oven.I have already disposed of about thirty Testaments,of course at exceedingly low prices.To-day,however,I have commenced a new course,and have sent abroad various peasants with some parcels of Testaments;my host,whom it has pleased the Lord to render favourable to the cause,has himself taken the field,and has proceeded to the neighbouring village of Vargas mounted on his donkey.If success do not attend my efforts,the Lord knows that it will be no fault of mine.It will be the working of His own holy will.
I had scarcely written the above lines when I heard the voice of the donkey in the court-yard,and going out I found my host returned.He had disposed of his whole cargo of twenty Testaments at the old Moorish village of Vargas,distant from hence about two leagues,and all in the space of about half an hour.Eight poor harvest-men,who were refreshing themselves at the door of the wine-house,purchased each a copy;whilst the village schoolmaster took all the rest for the little ones beneath his care,lamenting at the same time the great difficulty he had long experienced in obtaining religious books,owing to their scarcity and extravagant price.Many other persons were also anxious to procure Testaments,but my envoy (Juanito Lopez)was unable to supply them.At his departure they requested him to return within a few days.