第88章 Chapter XXXII(2)
The low land grew blacker, and the sky a deeper grey. When the landscape looked like a picture blotted in with ink, another traveller approached the great stone bridge. He was driving a gig, his direction being also townwards. On the round of the middle of the arch the gig stopped. "Mr Henchard?" came from it in the voice of Farfrae. Henchard turned his face.
Finding that he had guessed rightly Farfrae told the man who accompanied him to drive home; while he alighted and went up to his former friend.
"I have heard that you think of emigrating, Mr Henchard," he said. "Is it ture? I have a real reason for asking."Henchard withheld his answer for several instants, and then said, "Yes;it is true. I am going where you were going to a few years ago, when Iprevented you and got you to bide here. 'Tis turn and turn about, insn't it! Do ye mind how we stood like this in the Chalk Walk when I persuaded 'ee to stay? You then stood without a chattel to your name, and I was the master of the house in Corn Street. But now I stand without a stick or a rag, and the master of that house is you.""Yes, yes; that's so! It's the way o' the warrld," said Farfrae.
"Ha, ha, true!" cried Henchard, throwing himself into a mood of jocularity.
"Up and down! I'm used to it. What's the odds after all!""Now listen to me, if it's no taking up your time," said Farfrae, "just as I listened to you. Don't go. Stay at home.""But I can do nothing else, man!" said Henchard scornfully. "The little money I have will just keep body and soul together for a few weeks, and no more. I have not felt inclined to go back to journeywork yet; but Ican't stay doing nothing, and my best chance is elsewhere.""No; but what I propose is this - if ye will listen. Come and live in your old house. We can spare some rooms very well - I am sure my wife would not mind it at all - until there's an opening for ye."Henchard started, Probably the picture drawn by the unsuspecting Donald of himself under the same roof with Lucetta was too striking to be received with equanimity. "No, no," he said gruffly; "we should quarrel.""You should hae a part to yourself," said Farfrae; "and nobody to interfere wi" you. It will be a deal healthier than down there by the river where you live now."Still Henchard refused. "You don't know what you ask," he said. "However, I can do no less than thank 'ee."They walked into the town together side by side, as they had done when Henchard persuaded the young Scotchman to remain. "Will you come in and have some supper?" said Farfrae when they reached the middle of the town, where their paths diverged right and left.
"No, no."
"Bye-the-bye, I had nearly forgot. I bought a good deal of your furniture.""So I have heard."
"Well, it was no that I wanted it so very much for myself; but I wish ye to pick out all that you care to have - such things as may be endeared to ye by associations, or particularly suited to your use. And take them to your own house - it will not be depriving me; we can do with less very well, and I will have plenty of opportunities of getting more.""What - give it to me for nothing?" said Henchard. "But you paid the creditors for it!""Ah, yes; but maybe it's worth more to you than it is to me."Henchard was a little moved. "I - sometimes think I've wronged 'ee!"he said, in tones which showed the disquietude that the night shades hid in his face. He shook Farfrae abruptly by the hand, and hastened away as if unwilling to betray himself further. Farfrae saw him turn through the thorough-fare into Bull Stake and vanish down towards the Priory Mill.
Meanwhile Elizabeth-Jane, in an upper room no larger than the prophet's chamber, and with the silk attire of her palmy days packed away in a box, was netting with great industry between the hours which she devoted to studying such books as she could get hold of.
Her lodgings being nearly opposite her stepfather's former residence, now Farfrae's, she could see Donald and Lucetta speeding in and out of their door with all the bounding enthusiasm of their situation. She avoided looking that way as much as possible, but it was hardly in human nature to keep the eyes averted when the door slammed.
While living on thus quietly she heard the news that Henchard had caught cold and was confined to his room - possibly a result of standing about the meads in damp weather. She went off to his house at once. This time she was determined not to be denied admittance, and made her way upstairs.
He was sitting up in the bed with a greatcoat round him, and at first resented her intrusion. "Go away - go away," he said. "I don't like to see 'ee!""But, father - "
"I don't like to see 'ee," he repeated.
However, the ice was broken, and she remained. She made the room more comfortable, gave directions to the people below, and by the time she went away had reconciled her stepfather to her visiting him.