Death of Charles II
Suspicions of Poison Speech of James II. to the Privy Council James proclaimed State of the Administration New Arrangements Sir George Jeffreys The Revenue collected without an Act of Parliament A Parliament called Transactions between James and the French King Churchill sent Ambassador to France; His History Feelings of the Continental Governments towards England Policy of the Court of Rome Struggle in the Mind of James; Fluctuations in his Policy Public Celebration of the Roman Catholic Rites in the Palace His Coronation Enthusiasm of the Tories; Addresses The Elections Proceedings against Oates Proceedings against Dangerfield Proceedings against Baxter Meeting of the Parliament of Scotland Feeling of James towards the Puritans Cruel Treatment of the Scotch Covenanters Feeling of James towards the Quakers William Penn Peculiar Favour shown to Roman Catholics and Quakers Meeting of the English Parliament; Trevor chosen Speaker;Character of Seymour The King's Speech to the Parliament Debate in the Commons; Speech of Seymour The Revenue voted; Proceedings of the Commons concerning Religion Additional Taxes voted; Sir Dudley North Proceedings of the Lords Bill for reversing the Attainder of Stafford.