第54章 Chapter XLI.
--If you have any objection,--said my father, addressing himself to Dr.
Slop. Not in the least, replied Dr. Slop;--for it does not appear on which side of the question it is wrote,--it may be a composition of a divine of our church, as well as yours,--so that we run equal risques.--'Tis wrote upon neither side, quoth Trim, for 'tis only upon Conscience, an' please your Honours.
Trim's reason put his audience into good humour,--all but Dr. Slop, who turning his head about towards Trim, looked a little angry.
Begin, Trim,--and read distinctly, quoth my father.--I will, an' please your Honour, replied the Corporal, making a bow, and bespeaking attention with a slight movement of his right hand.