October 22d Dear Mother--I am off in a day or two to visit some new country;I haven't yet decided which.I have satisfied myself with regard to France,and obtained a good knowledge of the language.I have enjoyed my visit to Madame de Maisonrouge deeply,and feel as if I were leaving a circle of real friends.Everything has gone on beautifully up to the end,and every one has been as kind and attentive as if I were their own sister,especially Mr.Verdier,the French gentleman,from whom I have gained more than I ever expected (in six weeks),and with whom I have promised to correspond.So you can imagine me dashing off the most correct French letters;and,if you don't believe it,I will keep the rough draft to show you when I go back.
The German gentleman is also more interesting,the more you know him;it seems sometimes as if I could fairly drink in his ideas.I have found out why the young lady from New York doesn't like me!It is because I said one day at dinner that I admired to go to the Louvre.
Well,when I first came,it seemed as if I DID admire everything!
Tell William Platt his letter has come.I knew he would have to write,and I was bound I would make him!I haven't decided what country I will visit yet;it seems as if there were so many to choose from.But I shall take care to pick out a good one,and to meet plenty of fresh experiences.
Dearest mother,my money holds out,and it IS most interesting!