第20章 Part 2(13)
I am speaking now of people made desperate by the apprehensions of their being shut up,and their breaking out by stratagem or force,either before or after they were shut up,whose misery was not lessened when they were out,but sadly increased.On the other hand,many that thus got away had retreats to go to and other houses,where they locked themselves up and kept hid till the plague was over;and many families,foreseeing the approach of the distemper,laid up stores of provisions sufficient for their whole families,and shut themselves up,and that so entirely that they were neither seen or heard of till the infection was quite ceased,and then came abroad sound and well.I might recollect several such as these,and give you the particulars of their management;for doubtless it was the most effectual secure step that could be taken for such whose circumstances would not admit them to remove,or who had not retreats abroad proper for the case;for in being thus shut up they were as if they had been a hundred miles off.Nor do I remember that any one of those families miscarried.Among these,several Dutch merchants were particularly remarkable,who kept their houses like little garrisons besieged suffering none to go in or out or come near them,particularly one in a court in Throgmorton Street whose house looked into Draper's Garden.
But I come back to the case of families infected and shut up by the magistrates.The misery of those families is not to be expressed;and it was generally in such houses that we heard the most dismal shrieks and outcries of the poor people,terrified and even frighted to death by the sight of the condition of their dearest relations,and by the terror of being imprisoned as they were.
I remember,and while I am writing this story I think I hear the very sound of it,a certain lady had an only daughter,a young maiden about nineteen years old,and who was possessed of a very considerable fortune.They were only lodgers in the house where they were.The young woman,her mother,and the maid had been abroad on some occasion,I do not remember what,for the house was not shut up;but about two hours after they came home the young lady complained she was not well;in a quarter of an hour more she vomited and had a violent pain in her head.'Pray God',says her mother,in a terrible fright,'my child has not the distemper!'The pain in her head increasing,her mother ordered the bed to be warmed,and resolved to put her to bed,and prepared to give her things to sweat,which was the ordinary remedy to be taken when the first apprehensions of the distemper began.
While the bed was airing the mother undressed the young woman,and just as she was laid down in the bed,she,looking upon her body with a candle,immediately discovered the fatal tokens on the inside of her thighs.Her mother,not being able to contain herself,threw down her candle and shrieked out in such a frightful manner that it was enough to place horror upon the stoutest heart in the world;nor was it one scream or one cry,but the fright having seized her spirits,she -fainted first,then recovered,then ran all over the house,up the stairs and down the stairs,like one distracted,and indeed really was distracted,and continued screeching and crying out for several hours void of all sense,or at least government of her senses,and,as I was told,never came thoroughly to herself again.As to the young maiden,she was a dead corpse from that moment,for the gangrene which occasions the spots had spread [over]her whole body,and she died in less than two hours.But still the mother continued crying out,not knowing anything more of her child,several hours after she was dead.
It is so long ago that I am not certain,but I think the mother never recovered,but died in two or three weeks after.
This was an extraordinary case,and I am therefore the more particular in it,because I came so much to the knowledge of it;but there were innumerable such-like cases,and it was seldom that the weekly bill came in but there were two or three put in,'frighted';that is,that may well be called frighted to death.But besides those who were so frighted as to die upon the spot,there were great numbers frighted to other extremes,some frighted out of their senses,some out of their memory,and some out of their understanding.But I return to the shutting up of houses.
As several people,I say,got out of their houses by stratagem after they were shut UP,so others got out by bribing the watchmen,and giving them money to let them go privately out in the night.I must confess I thought it at that time the most innocent corruption or bribery that any man could be guilty of,and therefore could not but pity the poor men,and think it was hard when three of those watchmen were publicly whipped through the streets for suffering people to go out of houses shut up.
But notwithstanding that severity,money prevailed with the poor men,and many families found means to make sallies out,and escape that way after they had been shut up;but these were generally such as had some places to retire to;and though there was no easy passing the roads any whither after the 1st of August,yet there were many ways of retreat,and particularly,as I hinted,some got tents and set them up in the fields,carrying beds or straw to lie on,and provisions to eat,and so lived in them as hermits in a cell,for nobody would venture to come near them;and several stories were told of such,some comical,some tragical,some who lived like wandering pilgrims in the deserts,and escaped by making themselves exiles in such a manner as is scarce to be credited,and who yet enjoyed more liberty than was to be expected in such cases.