Che non vuol che 'l destrier piu vada in alto, Poi lo lega nel margine marino A un verde mirto in mezzo un lauro E UN PINO.
"Orlando Furioso," c.vi.xxiii.
(As he did not wish that his charger (the hippogriff) should take any further excursions into the higher regions for the present, he bound him at the sea-shore to a green myrtle between a laurel and a pine.)O Musician! art thou happy now? Thou art reinstalled at thy stately desk,--thy faithful barbiton has its share in the triumph.It is thy masterpiece which fills thy ear; it is thy daughter who fills the scene,--the music, the actress, so united, that applause to one is applause to both.They make way for thee, at the orchestra,--they no longer jeer and wink, when, with a fierce fondness, thou dost caress thy Familiar, that plains, and wails, and chides, and growls, under thy remorseless hand.
They understand now how irregular is ever the symmetry of real genius.The inequalities in its surface make the moon luminous to man.Giovanni Paisiello, Maestro di Capella, if thy gentle soul could know envy, thou must sicken to see thy Elfrida and thy Pirro laid aside, and all Naples turned fanatic to the Siren, at whose measures shook querulously thy gentle head! But thou, Paisiello, calm in the long prosperity of fame, knowest that the New will have its day, and comfortest thyself that the Elfrida and the Pirro will live forever.Perhaps a mistake, but it is by such mistakes that true genius conquers envy."To be immortal,"says Schiller, "live in the whole." To be superior to the hour, live in thy self-esteem.The audience now would give their ears for those variations and flights they were once wont to hiss.
No!--Pisani has been two-thirds of a life at silent work on his masterpiece: there is nothing he can add to THAT, however he might have sought to improve on the masterpieces of others.Is not this common? The least little critic, in reviewing some work of art, will say, "pity this, and pity that;" "this should have been altered,--that omitted." Yea, with his wiry fiddlestring will he creak out his accursed variations.But let him sit down and compose himself.He sees no improvement in variations THEN!
Every man can control his fiddle when it is his own work with which its vagaries would play the devil.
And Viola is the idol, the theme of Naples.She is the spoiled sultana of the boards.To spoil her acting may be easy enough,--shall they spoil her nature? No, I think not.There, at home, she is still good and simple; and there, under the awning by the doorway,--there she still sits, divinely musing.How often, crook-trunked tree, she looks to thy green boughs; how often, like thee, in her dreams, and fancies, does she struggle for the light,--not the light of the stage-lamps.Pooh, child! be contented with the lamps, even with the rush-lights.A farthing candle is more convenient for household purposes than the stars.
Weeks passed, and the stranger did not reappear; months had passed, and his prophecy of sorrow was not yet fulfilled.One evening Pisani was taken ill.His success had brought on the long-neglected composer pressing applications for concerti and sonata, adapted to his more peculiar science on the violin.He had been employed for some weeks, day and night, on a piece in which he hoped to excel himself.He took, as usual, one of those seemingly impracticable subjects which it was his pride to subject to the expressive powers of his art,--the terrible legend connected with the transformation of Philomel.The pantomime of sound opened with the gay merriment of a feast.The monarch of Thrace is at his banquet; a sudden discord brays through the joyous notes,--the string seems to screech with horror.The king learns the murder of his son by the hands of the avenging sisters.Swift rage the chords, through the passions of fear, of horror, of fury, and dismay.The father pursues the sisters.
Hark! what changes the dread--the discord--into that long, silvery, mournful music? The transformation is completed; and Philomel, now the nightingale, pours from the myrtle-bough the full, liquid, subduing notes that are to tell evermore to the world the history of her woes and wrongs.Now, it was in the midst of this complicated and difficult attempt that the health of the over-tasked musician, excited alike by past triumph and new ambition, suddenly gave way.He was taken ill at night.The next morning the doctor pronounced that his disease was a malignant and infectious fever.His wife and Viola shared in their tender watch; but soon that task was left to the last alone.The Signora Pisani caught the infection, and in a few hours was even in a state more alarming than that of her husband.
The Neapolitans, in common with the inhabitants of all warm climates, are apt to become selfish and brutal in their dread of infectious disorders.Gionetta herself pretended to be ill, to avoid the sick-chamber.The whole labour of love and sorrow fell on Viola.It was a terrible trial,--I am willing to hurry over the details.The wife died first!
One day, a little before sunset, Pisani woke partially recovered from the delirium which had preyed upon him, with few intervals, since the second day of the disease; and casting about him his dizzy and feeble eyes, he recognised Viola, and smiled.He faltered her name as he rose and stretched his arms.She fell upon his breast, and strove to suppress her tears.
"Thy mother?" he said."Does she sleep?""She sleeps,--ah, yes!" and the tears gushed forth.