Both herds had watered in the Smoky during the afternoon.The stranger's cattle were not compelled to go down to the crossing, but found an easy passage several miles above the regular ford.
After leaving the river, both herds were grazed out during the evening, and when darkness fell we were not over three miles apart, one on either side of the trail.The Wyoming cowman spent a restless night, and early the next morning rode to the nearest elevation which would give him a view of his cattle.Within an hour after sun-up he returned, elated over the fact that his herd was far in the lead of ours, camp being already broken, while we were only breakfasting.Matters were working out just as Iexpected.The mixed herd under the Mexican corporal, by moving early and late, could keep the lead of our beeves, and with the abundance of time at my disposal we were in no hurry.The Kansas Pacific Railroad was but a few days' drive ahead, and I advised our guest to take the train around to Ogalalla and have a new outfit all ready to relieve the aliens immediately on their arrival.Promising to take the matter under consideration, he said nothing further for several days, his cattle in the mean time keeping a lead of from five to ten miles.
The trail crossed the railroad at a switch east of Grinnell.Iwas naturally expecting some word from Don Lovell, and it was my intention to send one of the boys into that station to inquire for mail.There was a hostelry at Grinnell, several stores and a livery stable, all dying an easy death from the blight of the arid plain, the town profiting little or nothing from the cattle trade.But when within a half-day's drive of the railway, on overtaking the herd after dinner, there was old man Don talking to the boys on herd.The cattle were lying down, and rather than disturb them, he patiently bided his time until they had rested and arose to resume their journey.The old man was feeling in fine spirits, something unusual, and declined my urgent invitation to go back to the wagon and have dinner.I noticed that he was using his own saddle, though riding a livery horse, and in the mutual inquiries which were exchanged, learned that he had arrived at Grinnell but a few days before.He had left Camp Supply immediately after Forrest and Sponsilier passed that point, and until Siringo came in with his report, he had spent the time about detective headquarters in Kansas City.From intimate friends in Dodge, he had obtained the full particulars of the attempted but unsuccessful move of The Western Supply Company to take possession of his two herds.In fact there was very little that I could enlighten him on, except the condition of the cattle, and they spoke for themselves, their glossy coats shining with the richness of silk.On the other hand, my employer opened like a book.
"Tom, I think we're past the worst of it," said he."Those Dodge people are just a trifle too officious to suit me, but Ogalalla is a cow-town after my own heart.They're a law unto themselves up there, and a cowman stands some show--a good one against thieves.Ogalalla is the seat of an organized county, and the town has officers, it's true, but they've got sense enough to know which side their bread's buttered on; and a cowman who's on the square has nothing to fear in that town.Yes, the whole gang, Tolleston and all, are right up here at Ogalalla now; bought a herd this week, so I hear, and expect to take two of these away from us the moment we enter Keith County.Well, they may; I've seen bad men before take a town, but it was only a question of time until the plain citizens retook it.They may try to bluff us, but if they do, we'll meet them a little over halfway.Which one of your boys was it that licked Archie? I want to thank him until such a time as I can reward him better."The herd was moving out, and as Seay was working in the swing on the opposite side, we allowed the cattle to trail past, and then rode round and overtook him.The two had never met before, but old man Don warmed towards Dorg, who recited his experience in such an inimitable manner that our employer rocked in his saddle in spasms of laughter.Leaving the two together, I rode on ahead to look out the water, and when the herd came up near the middle of the afternoon, they were still inseparable.The watering over, we camped for the night several miles south of the railroad, the mixed herd having crossed it about noon.My guest of the past few days had come to a point requiring a decision and was in a quandary to know what to do.But when the situation had been thoroughly reviewed between Mr.Lovell and the Wyoming man, my advice was indorsed,--to trust implicitly to his corporal, and be ready to relieve the outfit at the Platte.Saddles were accordingly shifted, and the stranger, after professing a profusion of thanks, rode away on the livery horse by which my employer had arrived.Once the man was well out of hearing, the old trail drover turned to my outfit and said: