第19章 CHAPTER IV(5)
"Soon as it rains,low shoes won't do,and by taking two pairs at once I could get them some cheaper.The low ones are two and the high ones two fifty,together three seventy-five.Ain't that cheap?""That's a real bargain,"said Mrs.Comstock,"if they are good shoes,and they look it.""This"said Wesley,producing the last package,"is your Christmas present from your Aunt Maggie.I got mine,too,but it's at the house.I'll bring it up in the morning."He handed Margaret the umbrella,and she passed it over to Elnora who opened it and sat laughing under its shelter.Then she kissed both of them.She brought a pencil and a slip of paper to set down the prices they gave her of everything they had brought except the umbrella,added the sum,and said laughingly:"Will you please wait till to-morrow for the money?I will have it then,sure.""Elnora,"said Wesley Sinton."Wouldn't you----""Elnora,hustle here a minute!"called Mrs.Comstock from the kitchen."I need you!""One second,mother,"answered Elnora,throwing off the coat and hat,and closing the umbrella as she ran.
There were several errands to do in a hurry,and then supper.
Elnora chattered incessantly,Wesley and Margaret talked all they could,while Mrs.Comstock said a word now and then,which was all she ever did.But Wesley Sinton was watching her,and time and again he saw a peculiar little twist around her mouth.He knew that for the first time in sixteen years she really was laughing over something.
She had all she could do to preserve her usually sober face.
Wesley knew what she was thinking.
After supper the dress was finished,the pattern for the next one discussed,and then the Sintons went home.
Elnora gathered her treasures.When she started upstairs she stopped."May I kiss you good-night,mother?"she asked lightly.
"Never mind any slobbering,"said Mrs.Comstock.
"I should think you'd lived with me long enough to know that I don't care for it.""Well,I'd love to show you in some way how happy Iam,and how I thank you."
"I wonder what for?"said Mrs.Comstock."Mag Sinton chose that stuff and brought it here and you pay for it.""Yes,but you seemed willing for me to have it,and you said you would help me if I couldn't pay all.""Maybe I did,"said Mrs.Comstock."Maybe I did.
I meant to get you some heavy dress skirts about Thanksgiving,and I still can get them.Go to bed,and for any sake don't begin mooning before a mirror,and make a dunce of yourself."Mrs.Comstock picked up several papers and blew out the kitchen light.She stood in the middle of the sitting-room floor for a time and then went into her room and closed the door.Sitting on the edge of the bed she thought for a few minutes and then suddenly buried her face in the pillow and again heaved with laughter.
Down the road plodded Margaret and Wesley Sinton.
Neither of them had words to utter their united thought.
"Done!"hissed Wesley at last."Done brown!Did you ever feel like a bloomin',confounded donkey?How did the woman do it?""She didn't do it!"gulped Margaret through her tears.
"She didn't do anything.She trusted to Elnora's great big soul to bring her out right,and really she was right,and so it had to bring her.She's a darling,Wesley!
But she's got a time before her.Did you see Kate Comstock grab that money?Before six months she'll be out combing the Limberlost for bugs and arrow points to help pay the tax.
I know her."
"Well,I don't!"exclaimed Sinton,"she's too many for me.
But there is a laugh left in her yet!I didn't s'pose there was.Bet you a dollar,if we could see her this minute,she'd be chuckling over the way we got left."Both of them stopped in the road and looked back.
"There's Elnora's light in her room,"said Margaret.
"The poor child will feel those clothes,and pore over her books till morning,but she'll look decent to go to school,anyway.Nothing is too big a price to pay for that.""Yes,if Kate lets her wear them.Ten to one,she makes her finish the week with that old stuff!""No,she won't,"said Margaret."She'll hardly dare.
Kate made some concessions,all right;big ones for her--if she did get her way in the main.She bent some,and if Elnora proves that she can walk out barehanded in the morning and come back with that much money in her pocket,an armful of books,and buy a turnout like that,she proves that she is of some consideration,and Kate's smart enough.She'll think twice before she'll do that.
Elnora won't wear a calico dress to high school again.
You watch and see if she does.She may have the best clothes she'll get for a time,for the least money,but she won't know it until she tries to buy goods herself at the same rates.Wesley,what about those prices?Didn't they shrink considerable?""You began it,"said Wesley."Those prices were all right.
We didn't say what the goods cost us,we said what they would cost her.Surely,she's mistaken about being able to pay all that.Can she pick up stuff of that value around the Limberlost?Didn't the Bird Woman see her trouble,and just give her the money?""I don't think so,"said Margaret."Seems to me I've heard of her paying,or offering to pay those who would take the money,for bugs and butterflies,and I've known people who sold that banker Indian stuff.Once Iheard that his pipe collection beat that of the Government at the Philadelphia Centennial.Those things have come to have a value.""Well,there's about a bushel of that kind of valuables piled up in the woodshed,that belongs to Elnora.At least,I picked them up because she said she wanted them.