The green under the frieze was really a good imitation of marble, and the shade used on the column suggested the weather-beaten effect associated with age.
"There are columns that, in my opinion, have more beauty than those Maybeck used.But that's a matter of taste.In themselves those columns are fine and they blend into impressive masses.That altar under the dome, with the kneeling figure, only a great artist could have conceived in just that way.Ralph Stackpole, the sculptor of the figure, worked it out in perfect harmony with Maybeck's idea.To appreciate his skill one ought to get close and see how roughly it has been modeled in order that the lines should be clear and yet give an effect of delicacy across the lagoon.And those trees along the edge of the lagoon, how gracefully they are planted, in the true Greek spirit.The lines in front of the rotunda are all good, as they run down to the water's edge.And how richly McLaren has planted the lagoon.He has given just the luxuriance that Maybeck wanted."The Western WallWe turned to get the effect of the western wall looking out on this magnificence."Faville has done some of his finest work there.All over the Exposition he has expressed himself; but as his name is not connected with one of the great courts we don't hear it very much.When he tackled the Western Wall he had one of the hardest of his problems.