"Fountain of the Rising Still." Ninety-foot column crowned by figure of Rising Sun, by Adolph A.Weinman, of New York.Reliefs at base of column, "Day Triumphant"; Time, Light, Truth, Energy, conquering Falsehood, Vice, and Darkness.Ornamental figures under upper bowl looking down into water, suggest Neptune, but are winged, "Spirit of the Waters.""Fountain of Setting Sun." Column with figure of Setting Sun, a woman;called also "Descending Night." Reliefs at base of fountain, "Gentle Powers of Night," with Dusk covering Labor, Love, and Peace, followed by the Stars, Luna, Illusions, and Evening Mists.
Tritons in pools of Fountains of Rising and Setting Sun, by Weinman.Two statues; one, triton struggles with snake; in the other, with fish.Two duplicated in each pool.
Sheetlike appearance of water when full force of water is on; streams from figures in pool, overflowing from bowl, spouting from lion heads above frieze.
"The Elements," reclining figures at head of main stairs leading down to sunken gardens by Robert Aitken, of New York.In size and treatment, suggestive of Michael Angelo.Northeast, "Water," riding a wave, with his trident in one hand, sea weed in the other.Northwest, "Fire," a Greek warrior lies in agony, grasping fire and lightning, with Phoenix, bird of flame, at back, and the salamander, reptile of fire, under his right leg.Southeast, "Earth," a woman leaning against a tree, apparently sleeping; at back two human figures struggle to uproot tree, symbol of man's war with nature.Southwest "Air" woman holding star to ear; birds, symbol of air; Icarus, mythological aviator who fell into sea, tied to wings of woman, typifying man's effort to conquer the air.
Small lion fountains below "The Elements," by McKim, Mead & White.
Bandstand, Arabic; picturesque, but inharmonious; obstructs view through entrance court.
Four tigers at base of bandstand, facing pool; decorative.
Court leading from gardens to Column of Progress.Designs repeated in frieze and in jeweled lamps of shell design, McKim, Mead & White; fine detail.
Colonnades on either side of court leading to Marina.Large Roman hanging lamps.Stars in ceilings.Beauty in design, coloring and sweep of corridor.
Frieze around main doorway in colonnades, bird and conventionalized foliage; skilfully designed.
On the MarinaView from Marina: Extreme right, Berkeley and Oakland; in center of bay, Alcatraz Island, like a white citadel; left of Alcatraz, Angel Island;left of Angel Island, Belvedere; left, Marin County, including Sausalito and Mount Tamalpais, with military reservation facing the Golden Gate and looking across to the large military reservation, Presidio.
Column of Progress, celebrating the Progress of Man.Preliminary sketch by Calder.W.Symmes Richardson, architect.Reliefs at base, by Isidore Konti, of New York.Surmounting statue, by Hermon A.MacNeil, of New York.
Tablets on four sides of base, in commemoration of aerial advancement.
To the west, the scientific phase, a tribute to Langley, who first solved the problem of flying.To the north, aerial achievement.To the east, aerial organization.To the south, history of flying.
Frieze at base on four sides celebrates beginning of progress.On south front, two women holding palm branches, symbol of victory, call mankind to achievement.
Wreath at base of column, reward of achievement.
Top of pedestal, ornamental garland, with figure of Sphinx at corners.
Spiral, winding around column, with ships in full sail, suggestive of upward progress of world.Similar spiral on Column of Trajan and Column of Marcus Aurelius, in Rome.
Circular frieze sustaining main group at top, "The Burden Bearers," by MacNeil.
Group on top, "The Adventurous Bowman," the Superman, representing moment of attainment.Three figures, the dominating male, with the male supporter steadying his arm, and the devoted woman ready to crown him with laurel.
First use of this kind of column for an idealistic conception.
Prototypes of this column, like Trajan's Column, but to celebrate some warlike figure or feat.
Best place to view column, from north, near California Building.
Esplanade, straight northern wall, broken by Court of Four Seasons, Court of the Universe, and Court of the Ages.Northern facades of all four buildings, ornate doors in duplicate of Spanish plateresque doorways.
Main doorways, rich detail.Statues in niches, by Allen Newman, of New York.Center, "Conquistador," sixteenth century Spanish adventurer.
Figure on either side in duplicate, Newman's "Pirate," who preyed on shore commerce of South America.Humorous touch in bowlegs.
Magnificent view from Marina of San Francisco back of the Tower Of Jewels.Like a painting by Cezanne.
Approaching the Court of Four Seasons From the Court of the UniverseVenetian Court.
Palaces on sides of court; to the north, Agriculture; to the south, Liberal Arts.
Quotation on Arch of Setting Sun, facing Venetian Court, chosen by Garnett.Panels from left to right: "The world is in its most excellent state when justice is supreme," from Dante, the Italian poet; "It is absolutely indispensable for the United States to effect a passage from the Mexican Gulf to the Pacific Ocean, and I am certain that they will do it.Would that I might live to see it.But I shall not," from Goethe, the German poet; "The Universe, an infinite sphere, the center everywhere, the circumference no where," from Pascal, the French philosopher.
Italian Renaissance architecture.
Colors rich and well harmonized; pink and green.
Picturesque lattice work in small doorways.
Lighting standards, by Faville.
Goats' heads at top of standards, just below the globe.
Arches on sides, coupled Corinthian columns.Endeavor to make them more interesting than formal type of fluted columns.Four designs.They add to richness of court.
Winged figures over arches, by Faville.