Then she poured what tea was left in the tea-pot into a small saucepan and placed it on the top of the oven, but away from the fire, cut two more slices of bread and spread on them all the margarine that was left; then put them on a plate on the table, covering them with a saucer to prevent them getting hard and dry during the night.Near the plate she placed a clean cup and saucer and the milk and sugar.
In the morning Easton would light the fire and warm up the tea in the saucepan so as to have a cup of tea before going out.If Ruth was awake and he was not pressed for time, he generally took a cup of tea to her in bed.
Nothing now remained to be done but to put some coal and wood ready in the fender so that there would be no unnecessary delay in the morning.
The baby was still sleeping and Ruth did not like to wake him up yet to dress him for the night.Easton was sitting by the fire smoking, so everything being done, Ruth sat down at the table and began sewing.
Presently she spoke:
`I wish you'd let me try to let that back room upstairs: the woman next door has got hers let unfurnished to an elderly woman and her husband for two shillings a week.If we could get someone like that it would be better than having an empty room in the house.'
`And we'd always have them messing about down here, cooking and washing and one thing and another,' objected Easton; `they'd be more trouble than they way worth.'
`Well, we might try and furnish it.There's Mrs Crass across the road has got two lodgers in one room.They pay her twelve shillings a week each; board, lodging and washing.That's one pound four she has coming in reglar every week.If we could do the same we'd very soon be out of debt.'
`What's the good of talking? You'd never be able to do the work even if we had the furniture.'
`Oh, the work's nothing,' replied Ruth, `and as for the furniture, we've got plenty of spare bedclothes, and we could easily manage without a washstand in our room for a bit, so the only thing we really want is a small bedstead and mattress; we could get them very cheap second-hand.'
`There ought to be a chest of drawers,' said Easton doubtfully.
`I don't think so,' replied Ruth.`There's a cupboard in the room and whoever took it would be sure to have a box.'
`Well, if you think you can do the work I've no objection,' said Easton.`It'll be a nuisance having a stranger in the way all the time, but I suppose we must do something of the sort or else we'll have to give up the house and take a couple of rooms somewhere.That would be worse than having lodgers ourselves.
`Let's go and have a look at the room,' he added, getting up and taking the lamp from the wall.
They had to go up two flights of stairs before arriving at the top landing, where there were two doors, one leading into the front room -their bedroom - and the other into the empty back room.These two doors were at right angles to each other.The wallpaper in the back room was damaged and soiled in several places.
`There's nearly a whole roll of this paper on the top of the cupboard,' said Ruth.`You could easily mend all those places.We could hag up a few almanacks on the walls; our washstand could go there by the window; a chair just there, and the bed along that wall behind the door.It's only a small window, so I could easily manage to make a curtain out of something.I'm sure I could make the room look quite nice without spending hardly anything.'
Easton reached down the roll of paper.It was the same pattern as that on the wall.The latter was a good deal faded, of course, but it would not matter much if the patches showed a little.They returned to the kitchen.
`Do you think you know anyone who would take it?' asked Ruth.Easton smoked thoughtfully.
`No,' he said at length.`But I'll mention it to one or two of the chaps on the job; they might know of someone.'
`And I'll get Mrs Crass to ask her lodgers: p'raps they might have a friend what would like to live near them.'