第5章 By The Waters of Death Creek (3)
Now the ground lay thus.Some seventy yards from the shore of Death Creek and parallel to it, a tongue of land, covered with scrub and a few oaks, ran down into the Saltings, its point ending on their path, beyond which were a swamp and the broad river.Between this tongue and the shore of the creek the track wended its way to the uplands.It was an ancient track; indeed the reason of its existence was that here the Romans or some other long dead hands had built a narrow mole or quay of rough stone, forty or fifty yards in length, out into the water of the creek, doubtless to serve as a convenience for fisher boats, which could lie alongside of it even at low tide.This mole had been much destroyed by centuries of washing, so that the end of it lay below water, although the landward part was still almost sound and level.
Coming over the little rise at the top of the wooded tongue, the quick eyes of Wulf, who rode first--for here the path along the border of the swamp was so narrow that they must go in single file--caught sight of a large, empty boat moored to an iron ring set in the wall of the mole.
"Your fishermen have landed, Rosamund," he said,"and doubtless gone up to Bradwell.""That is strange," she answered anxiously,"since here no fishermen ever come." And she checked her horse as though to turn.
"Whether they come or not, certainly they have gone," said Godwin, craning forward to look about him; so, as we have nothing to fear from an empty boat, let us push on."On they rode accordingly, until they came to the root of the stone quay or pier, when a sound behind them caused them to look back.Then they saw a sight that sent the blood to their hearts, for there behind them, leaping down one by one on to that narrow footway, were men armed with naked swords, six or eight of them, all of whom, they noted, had strips of linen pierced with eyelet holes tied beneath their helms or leather caps, so as to conceal their faces.
"A snare! a snare!" cried Wulf, drawing his sword."Swift!
follow me up the Bradwell path!" and he struck the spurs into his horse.It bounded forward, to be dragged next second with all the weight of his powerful arm almost to its haunches."God's mercy!" he cried, "there are more of them!" And more there were, for another band of men armed and linen-hooded like the first, had leapt down on to that Bradwell path, amongst them a stout man, who seemed to be unarmed, except for a long, crooked knife at his girdle and a coat of ringed mail, which showed through the opening of his loose tunic.
"To the boat!" shouted Godwin, whereat the stout man laughed--a light, penetrating laugh, which even then all three of them heard and noted.
Along the quay they rode, since there was nowhere else that they could go, with both paths barred, and swamp and water on one side of them, and a steep, wooded bank upon the other.When they reached it, they found why the man had laughed, for the boat was made fast with a strong chain that could not be cut; more, her sail and oars were gone.
"Get into it," mocked a voice; "or, at least, let the lady get in; it will save us the trouble of carrying her there."Now Rosamund turned very pale, while the face of Wulf went red and white, and he gripped his sword-hilt.But Godwin, calm as ever, rode forward a few paces, and said quietly:
"Of your courtesy, say what you need of us.If it be money, we have none--nothing but our arms and horses, which I think may cost you dear."Now the man with the crooked knife advanced a little, accompanied by another man, a tall, supple-looking knave, into whose ear he whispered.
"My master says," answered the tall man, "that you have with you that which is of more value than all the king's gold--a very fair lady, of whom someone has urgent need.Give her up now, and go your way with your arms and horses, for you are gallant young men, whose blood we do not wish to shed."At this it was the turn of the brethren to laugh, which both of them did together.
"Give her up," answered Godwin, "and go our ways dishonoured?
Aye, with our breath, but not before.Who then has such urgent need of the lady Rosamund?"Again there was whispering between the pair.
"My master says," was the answer, "he thinks that all who see her will have need of her, since such loveliness is rare.But if you wish a name, well, one comes into his mind; the name of the knight Lozelle.""The knight Lozelle!" murmured Rosamund, turning even paler than before, as well she might.For this Lozelle was a powerful man and Essex-born.He owned ships of whose doings upon the seas and in the East evil tales were told, and once had sought Rosamund's hand in marriage, but being rejected, uttered threats for which Godwin, as the elder of the twins, had fought and wounded him.
Then he vanished--none knew where.
"Is Sir Hugh Lozelle here then?" asked Godwin, "masked like you common cowards? If so, I desire tomeet him, to finish the work Ibegan in the snow last Christmas twelvemonths.""Find that out if you can," answered the tall man.But Wulf said, speaking low between his clenched teeth:
"Brother, I see but one chance.We must place Rosamund between us and charge them."The captain of the band seemed to read their thoughts, for again he whispered into the ear of his companion, who called out:
"My master says that if you try to charge, you will be fools, since we shall stab and ham-string your horses, which are too good to waste, and take you quite easily as you fall.Come then, yield, as you can do without shame, seeing there is no escape, and that two men, however brave, cannot stand against a crowd.
He gives you one minute to surrender."
Now Rosamund spoke for the first time.