"Now, farewell, dear reverend father," he then said, "and accept this crucifix as a souvenir from me. I have worn it on my breast for twenty years past, and it will remind you of Andreas Hofer. Inform my wife that I suffered death joyously, and that I know we shall meet again above. You promised me to do so, and you will redeem your promise, reverend father, will you not?""Certainly I will, my beloved, pious son," said Manifesti; and with tears in his eyes he embraced and blessed Andreas Hofer for the last time. [Footnote: Manifesti redeemed his promise. He sent to the Tyrol the following letter regarding Hofer's death:
MANTOVA, li 21, Febrajo, 1810. "Ieri poco primo del mezzo giorno e stato fueillato il Signore Andreas Hofer, gia commandante del Tirolo. Dalla commissione militare, che l'ha sententiato, fu invitato ad assisterio, e sebbene fossi convalescente per una maladia pocchi giorno avanti sofferta, ho volonteri assento l'impegno, e con somma mia consolazione ed edificatione ho ammirato un uomo, che e andato alla morte d'un eroe Christiano a l'ha sostenuto di martire intrepido. Egli con tutta segretezza mi ha consegnata una carta di somma importanza per l'orfona sua famiglia incaricando mi dirigerla a V. Sig. Rio M.--Sono con perfetta stima, "Di V. S. Rio M.""Divotissimo,"
"MANTUA, Feb. 21, 1810.--Yesterday, a few minutes before twelve, Mr.
Andreas Hofer, late commander of the Tyrol, was shot here. The military commission which tried him requested me to attend him, and although I had recovered but a few days since from sickness, Igladly complied with the request, and admired, to my consolation and edification, a man who went to death as a Christian hero, and suffered it as an intrepid martyr. Under the seal of profound silence he intrusted to me a paper of the highest importance to his family," &c.--See Hormayr's "Lebensbilder," vol. i. p. 224.]
The priest thereupon left the square, while twelve men and a corporal stood forth with loaded muskets. The corporal offered Hofer a white handkerchief to bandage his eyes.
"No," said Hofer. "I have often already faced death; it is a dear friend of mine, and I want to see it, therefore, when it comes to me.""Kneel down, then," said the corporal.
"I shall not," replied Hofer, gravely and almost imperiously. "I am used to stand upright before my Creator, and in that posture I will deliver up my spirit to Him. But pray," he added in a milder voice, "aim well. Come, corporal, I will give you yet a souvenir; it is my whole remaining property. Look at this Zwanziger; I had it coined when I was commander-in-chief of the Tyrol; and it reminds me now of my beloved country, and it seems to me as though its snow-clad mountains were looking down on me and greeting me. There, keep it as a remembrancer, and aim well!"The corporal stepped back and commanded in a voice tremulous with emotion, "Fire!""Fire!" shouted Hofer. "Long live the Tyrol!"Six shots rang out, but Andreas Hofer was not dead; he had sunk only on one knee and leaned on his right hand.
Six shots crashed again. They struck him to the ground, but did not yet kill him. He raised his bleeding head once more.
The corporal, filled with pity, stepped now close up to him, put his musket to Hofer's forehead, and fired.
This thirteenth shot dispatched him at length!
The grenadiers raised the corpse and carried it on a black bier to St. Michael's church, where it lay in state during the requiem, that the people might convince themselves of the death of the beloved and feared commander-in-chief of the Tyrol, Le General Sanvird, Andreas Hofer, the Barbone, and of the final subjugation of the Tyrol.
[Footnote: Hofer's remains were buried in Manifesti's garden. Asimple slab on his grave bore the following inscription: "Qui giace la apoglia del fu Andrea Hofer, detto il Generale Barbone, commandants supremo delle milicie del Tirolo, fucillato in questa forterezza nel giorno 20 Febrajo 1810, sepolto in questo luogo."("Here rest the remains of the late Andreas Hofer, called General Barbone, commander-in-chief of the Tyrolese militia, shot in this for tress on the 20th of February, 1810, and buried in this place.")Fourteen years afterward Hofer's remains were disinterred by three Austrian officers, who had obtained Manifesti's consent, and conveyed to Botzen. The Emperor Francis gave orders to transfer them to Innspruck, where they were buried in the church of the Franciscans by the side of the monument of the Archduke Ferdinand and his beloved Philippina Welser.--See Hormayr's "Andreas Hofer,"vol. ii., p. 539.]
This occurred on the 20th of February, 1810; and on the same day on which Andreas Hofer was shot at Mantua, because he had loved his country and his Emperor Francis too faithfully, almost at the very hour of his death, the booming of artillery was to be heard on the ramparts of Vienna.
It proclaimed to the Viennese the joyful news that the Archduchess Maria Louisa, the emperor's daughter, was the affianced bride of the Emperor Napoleon!