Section 3 Shopping 购物
该视频选自《真爱至上》( Love Actually)。这实际上是一个短篇故事集,影片为我们讲述10个各自独立发展但是又相互牵连的爱情故事。影片中圣诞节日气氛浓厚,此视频片段就是选购圣诞礼物的情形。
size [saɪz] n. 尺寸
type [taɪp] n. 型号
style [staɪl] n. 款式
good quality 质量好
the latest fashion 最新款式
out of stock 脱销
try it on 试穿
a good fit 合身
the right size 合适的尺寸
be on sale 降价
on discount 打折
cost price 成本价
a good buy/a good bargain
Anything I can do for you? Can I help you? 你想买什么东西吗?
What can I do for you?
Could I have a look at ...? 可以把……给我看一下吗?
I need ... /I want ... /I' d like ... 我想要……
What size do you take? 你要什么尺寸的?
Would you like some ... or ...? 你想要些……还是……?
Here' re some samples. 这是一些样品。
It' s very durable. 这很耐用。
Task 1 Now watch a video for the first time and answer questions 1~2.
1. Which of the following is true according to the video?
A) The customer wants to buy a necklace which is 270 pounds.
B) The customer wants to buy a piece of jewelry which is 270 dollars.
C) The customer wants to buy a bracelet which is 270 pounds.
D) The customer wants to buy a ring which is 270 dollars.
2. What does the shop assistant put inside the package?
A) A cinnamon stick.
B) Chocolate buttons.
C) A sprig of holly.
D) A gift card.
Task 2 Now watch the video twice and fill in the blanks numbered 1~5 with the words or phrases you have just heard.
Shop assistant: Looking for anything 1) ,____________________sir?
Customer: Look, could we be quite quick?
Shop assistant: Certainly, sir. Ready in 2)____________________of flashes. There.
Customer: That' s great.
Shop assistant: 3)____________________ .
Customer: I don' t want a 4)____________________.
Shop assistant: But you said you wanted it giftwrapped.
Customer: I did but...
Shop assistant: This is the 5)____________________.
Shop assistant: Looking for anything in particular, sir?
Customer: Yes. That necklace there, how much is it?
Shop assistant: It' s 270 pounds.
Customer: Erm, all right. Er, I' ll have it.
Shop assistant: Lovely. Would you like it... giftwrapped?
Customer: Yes, all right.
Shop assistant: Lovely. Let me just pop it in the box. There.
Customer: Look, could we be quite quick?
Shop assistant: Certainly, sir. Ready in the flashiest of flashes. There.
Customer: That' s great.
Shop assistant: Not quite finished.
Customer: I don' t need a bag; I' ll put it in my pocket.
Shop assistant: Oh, this isn' t a bag, sir.
Customer: Really?
Shop assistant: This is so much more than a bag. Ooh!
Customer: Could we be quite quick, please?
Shop assistant: Prontissimo1.
Customer: What' s that?
Shop assistant: It' s a cinnamon stick, sir.
Customer: Actually, I really can' t wait.
Shop assistant: You won' t regret it, sir.
Customer: Want to bet?
Shop assistant: It is, but the work of a moment. Ye. Almost finished.
Customer: Almost finished. What else is it going to be? Are you going to dip it in yogurt? Cover it with chocolate buttons?
Shop assistant: No, sir, we' re going to pop it in the Christmas box.
Customer: I don' t want a Christmas box.
Shop assistant: But you said you wanted it giftwrapped.
Customer: I did but...
Shop assistant: This is the finaI flourish.
Customer: Can I just pay?
Shop assistant: All we need now...
Customer: Oh, God.
Shop assistant: ...is a sprig of holly.
Customer: No, no, no, no. No bloody holly.
Shop assistant: But sir...
Customer: Leave it. Leave it. Just leave it!

Task 1 1. A 2. A
Task 2 1. in particular
2. the flashiest
3. Not quite finished
4. Christmas box
5. final flourish
1.Prontissimo: Prontissimo is a kind of make-up word, coming from both Italian and English; sometimes people use it for fun. If we are in a hurry, we used to say hurry, or be quick please. If we don' t wanna be offensive or reveal our impatience, “prontissimo”, with no doubt, could be a good choice. prontissimo 实际上是一个半外来语,前部分来自印度语presto,意思是“快”。这个词来自印度的一种乐器,这种乐器要以特别快的速度来弹奏,最后人们就把prontissimo作为“快”的代名词了。
Shopping Places
department store 商场
shopping mall 大型购物中心
supermarket 超市
online shop 网上商店
marketplace 市场;大卖场;集市
bazaar 集市;廉价市场
flee market 跳蚤市场
neighborhood shop 社区商店
campus store 校园商店
vendor 小贩
consignment shop 委托商行;寄售店
bookshop 书店
grocery(store) 杂货店
florist(shop) 花店
pharmacy 药店
butcher' s 肉店
bakery 面包店
clothing store 服装店
vending machine 自动售货机