BASIC READERS:美国学校现代英语阅读教材(BOOK SIX)(英文原版)


The Cardinal Bird

Arthur Guiterman

Where snowdrifts are deepest he frolics along,

A flicker of crimson, a chirrup of song,

My cardinal bird of the frost-powdered wing,

Composing new lyricscomposing new lyrics, making up new songs. to whistle in Spring.

A plump little prelateprelate, minister., the park is his church;

The pulpit he loves is a cliff-sheltered birch;

And there, in his rubicundrubicund, red or rose-colored. liverylivery, uniform. dressed,

Arranging his feathers and ruffling his crest,

He preaches, with most unconventionalunconventional, uncommon; carefree; natural. glee,

A sermon addressed to the squirrels and me,

Commendingcommending, praising. the wisdom of those that display

The brightest of colors when heavens are gray.