第1章 Lesson 1: The Goat-Our Best Friend
People say that the dog is man's best friend, but goats are also very important. In fact, people have kept goats for thousands of years—longer than we have kept dogs.
Goats are useful to us in many different ways. We can cut the hair from goats and spin it into wool. We can make clothing from the wool. One kind of wool made from goat hair is called cashmere. A cashmere sweater can be very expensive.
Goats also give milk, just like cows do! Did you know that more people around the world drink goat's milk than cow's milk? Goat's milk is easier for babies to drink. We make delicious cheese, such as feta, from goat's milk. Some people put goat's milk on their skin to keep it soft.
In many countries, goat's meat is eaten instead of beef or pork. We also use goatskin to make gloves and boots. Goatskin leather is very soft.
A female goat is called a doe or nanny. A male goat is called a buck or billy. A baby goat is called a kid!
With everything goats give to us, we can say that goats are our best friends.
I. Word List
cashmere: a very soft kind of wool
feta: a soft kind of white cheese-usually made from goat's milk
II. Answer the following questions.
1. Which animal do you think is man's best friend, dog or goat? Why?
2. Do you like goats? Why or why not?
3. Why are goats important to people?
4. Are goats a common farm animal in your country?
5. Have you ever tried goat's milk? If not, would you like to?
III. Circle the sentences that are true.
1. Goat hair can be made into wool.
2. People have kept goats for millions of years.
3. More people drink cow's milk than goat's milk.
4. A baby goat is called a child.
5. A female goat is called a billy.
6. Leather can be made from goatskin.
IV. What's the word? Choose the correct word from the story.
1. a material often used to make sweaters: w _ _ _
2. a kind of goat cheese: f _ _ _
3. a kind of clothing made from goatskin: g _ _ _ _ _
4. people usually think this animal is man's best friend: d _ _
5. a male goat is sometimes called this: b _ _ _