第2章 Lesson 1: The New Bicycle
Alice has a new bicycle. It is shiny and red.
It was a gift from her aunt. She wanted to surprise Alice.
When Alice saw the bicycle, she jumped for joy. It was what she wanted. She gave her aunt a hug.
Alice loves her new bicycle, and she loves her aunt.
I. Word List
shiny surprise jump hug
II. Exercise—Think about it
1. Alice's bicycle is red. What other things are red?
Some apples are red.
2. The bicycle was a gift. What are some other gifts?
A toy can be a gift.
3. Alice can jump. What animals can jump?
Frogs jump.
III. True or False? Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.
___ 1. Alice's bicycle is pink.
___ 2. Alice's aunt gave her the bicycle.
___ 3. Alice loves her aunt.
___ 4. Alice gave her aunt a kiss.
___ 5. Alice gave her aunt a bicycle.
IV. Word Groups—Complete each word group with a word from the story.
1. green, blue r _ _
2. mother, uncle a _ _ _
3. present, package g _ _ _
4. happiness, gladness j _ _
5. likes very much, adores l _ _ _ _