第8章 Lesson 7: My First Trip to the Dentist
Today I went to see the dentist. It was my first time. I was a little scared, but the dentist was very kind. He told me to sit down in a big chair. We watched a cartoon about a mouse having his teeth checked. It was funny.
Then the dentist showed me some of his tools. Later, I pressed a button and some water went into a drinking cup.
After that, the dentist told me to lie back and open my mouth. He counted my teeth. Then he checked them carefully. He said my teeth looked nice. He showed me how to brush them correctly. When I was leaving, he gave me a new toothbrush.
I like my dentist. I am going to see him again in six months.
I. Word List
kind: nice, friendly
scared: fearful, afraid
cartoon: a short, funny movie
brush: clean
II. What do you think? Give your opinion about these questions.
1. Why was the writer scared to go to the dentist?
2. Are you scared to go to the dentist? Why or why not?
3. What things make you feel scared?
4. How did the writer feel after seeing the dentist?
III. What's the word? Choose the correct word from the story.
1. the opposite of front: b _ _ _
2. you use it to brush your teeth: t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. the opposite of close is o _ _ _
4. another word for frightened is s _ _ _ _ _
5. large and b _ _ mean the same
6. you use a c _ _ to drink water
IV. True or False—Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false.
___ 1. The dentist was frightened.
___ 2. The writer's teeth looked nice.
___ 3. The writer got a new toothbrush.
___ 4. The dentist opened his mouth.
___ 5. The writer watched a cartoon.