decide buckled mountain shelter party
dispute succeed forcibly mantle oven
1. A dispute once arose between the Wind and the Sun, as to which was the stronger.
2. To decide the matter, they agreed to try their power on a traveler. That party which should first strip him of his cloak, was to win the day.
3. The Wind began. He blew a cutting blast, which tore up the mountain oaks by their roots, and made the whole forest look like a wreck.
4. But the traveler, though at first he could scarcely keep his cloak on his back, ran under a hill for shelter, and buckled his mantle about him more closely.
5. The Wind having thus tried his utmost power in vain, the Sun began.
6. Bursting through a thick cloud, he darted his sultry beams so forcibly upon the traveler's head, that the poor fellow was almost melted.
7. “This, ” said he, “is past all bearing. It is so hot, that one might as well be in an oven.”
8. So he quickly threw off his cloak, and went into the shade of a tree to cool himself.
9. This fable teaches us, that gentle means will often succeed where forcible ones will fail.
A. Vocabulary Practice—Answer the questions that have vocabulary words from the story.
1. The Sun and the Wind had a dispute. This means they argued. What did they argue about?
2. Succeed means to do well. Why was the Sun able to succeed?
3. Shelter is a place or building that gives protection from the weather. Why did the traveler take shelter?
4. A mantle is a kind of jacket. What did the traveler do with his mantle when the wind blew?
5. An oven is a machine used for cooking. Why did the traveler say he felt like he was in an oven when the Sun was shining?
6. To do something forcibly means to do it with great power. Who tried to win the dispute forcibly?
B. True or False—Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence. Explain your answer.
_____1. The Wind won the dispute.
_____2. The Sun caused more damage than the Wind.
_____3. The traveler was a woman.
_____4. The Sun made trees fall down.
_____5. The traveler felt so hot that he took his cloak off.
C. Opposites—Choose words from the story which are opposite to the words in this exercise.
_______________: weaker
_______________: lose
_______________: thin
_______________: cold
_______________: walked
_______________: front
_______________: less
_______________: night