第10章 Lesson 9 The Sun and the Wind
One day the Sun and the Wind were watching a man walk in the park. He was wearing a big, heavy coat.
"I'm so strong," said the Wind. "I can make that coat come off the man."
The Sun smiled. "Go ahead. Show me," said the Sun.
The wind began to blow. It blew and blew. It was so hard for the man to walk in the wind, but the Wind could not blow the coat off the man's body.
"Watch me," said the Sun.
The Sun shone bright and hot. Soon the man stopped walking. He wiped his forehead with his handkerchief. Then he took of his coat.
I. Word List
blew: past tense of blow
forehead: the front part of a person's head
handkerchief: a square of cotton or linen carried in the pocket and used for wiping one's nose or forehead
II. Wrong spelling—Help the wind blow the wrong letters away from the misspelled words. Write the correct spellings on the lines.
1. heravy _________________
2. stroing _________________
3. ksmiled ________________
4. brigheht ________________
5. fporehead _______________
III. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. The man was in the ______.
a. park b. school c. backyard
2. The man was wearing a ______.
a. thin coat b. heavy jumper c. heavy coat
3. It was ______.
a. silly b. hard c. fun to walk in the wind.
4. The man wiped his forehead with his ______.
a. coat b. hand c. handkerchief
IV. Answer these questions with a partner.
1. Who was stronger, the Sun or the Wind? Why?
2. Which do you like better, strong sun or strong wind? Why?
3. Sun and wind are two kinds of weather. What are some other kinds of weather that you know?
4. What is your favourite kind of weather? Why?
5. Do you think the Sun and the Wind are friends? Why or why not?