
Word List 3


insult /ɪnˈsʌlt/

 v. 侮辱,辱骂

 to do or say something that is offensive to(someone)

acrimony /ˈækrɪmoʊni/

 n. 尖刻,犀利

 harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner or disposition

misconception /ˌmɪskənˈsepʃn/

 n. 误解,错觉

 a false idea or belief

mundane /mʌnˈdeɪn/

 adj. 平凡的,无聊的

 dull and ordinary

ambiguous /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/

 adj. 有歧义的,模糊不清的

 able to be understood in more than one way

allure /əˈlʊr/

 v. 引诱

 to entice by charm or attraction

cagey /ˈkeɪdʒi/

 adj. 小心的;谨慎的

 wary; careful

 adj. 狡猾的;机敏的

 crafty; shrewd

heresy /ˈherəsi/

 n. 与主流观点相悖的观点

 a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion

parsimony /ˈpɑːrsəmoʊni/

 n. 吝啬

 the quality of being very unwilling to spend money

cunning /ˈkʌnɪŋ/

 adj. 狡猾机智的

 getting what is wanted in a clever and often deceptive way

 adj. 技艺高超的

 dexterous or crafty in the use of special resources

highlight /ˈhaɪlaɪt/

 v. 使…突出

 to make or try to make people notice or be aware of

judicious /dʒuˈdɪʃəs/

 adj. 有正确判断力的

 having or showing good judgment

disguise /dɪsˈɡaɪz/

 v. 隐藏,伪装

 to obscure the existence, true state or character of

far-fetched /fɑːrfetʃt/

 adj. 不切实际的

 not likely to happen or be true

eclipse /ɪˈklɪps/

 v. 使…不重要

 to make(something)less important or popular

 v. 超出

 to surpass

 n. 日食,月食

impulsive /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/

 adj. 冲动的,不加思索的

 doing things or tending to do things suddenly and without careful thought

exculpate /ˈekskʌlpeɪt/

 v. 开脱罪责

 to prove that someone is not guilty of doing something wrong

overblow /ˌoʊvərˈbloʊ/

 v. 夸大

 to exaggerate

obfuscate /ˈɑːbfʌskeɪt/

 v. 使…困惑

 to make(something)more difficult to understand

 v. 使…昏暗

 to darken

droll /droʊl/

 adj. 古怪的,搞笑的

 having an odd and amusing quality

inconclusive /ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv/

 adj. 无结果的,不确定的

 leading to no conclusion or definite result

disperse /dɪˈspɜːrs/

 v. 使…分散

 to go or move in different directions

amplify /ˈæmplɪfaɪ/

 v. 详细阐述

 to speak or write about(something)in a more complete way

 v. 夸大

 to make larger or greater

exaggerate /ɛgˈzædʒərˌeɪt/

 v. 夸大

 to make(something)larger or greater than normal

unwitting /ʌnˈwɪtɪŋ/

 adj. 不知情的

 not aware of what is really happening

 adj. 不是故意的

 not intended or planned; unintentional

inclusive /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/

 adj. 包罗万象的,全面的

 taking a great deal or everything within its scope; comprehensive

diatribe /ˈdaɪətraɪb/

 n. 谩骂

 a bitter, abusive denunciation

promulgate /ˈprɑːmlɡeɪt/

 v. 传播

 to make(an idea, belief, etc.)known to many people

 v. 颁布(法律)

 to make(a new law)known officially and publicly

consilience /kən'sɪlɪəns/

 n. 一致,符合

 the linking together of principles from different disciplines especially when forming a comprehensive theory

ebullient /ɪˈbʌliənt/

 adj. 热情洋溢的

 lively and enthusiastic

bolster /ˈboʊlstər/

 v. 支持

 to give support to

dispute /dɪˈspjuːt/

 n. /v. 争辩,反对

 v. to engage in argument or oppose

exposition /ˌekspəˈzɪʃn/

 n. 阐释,解释

 clear explanation

 n. 展览会

 a public show or exhibition

coddle /ˈkɑːdl/

 v. 溺爱

 to treat(someone)with too much care or kindness

nuance /ˈnuːɑːns/

 n. 细微差异

 a very small difference in color, tone, meaning, etc.

peculiar /pɪˈkjuːliər/

 adj. 不寻常的

 not usual or normal

egalitarian /iˌɡælɪˈteriən/

 adj. 主张人人平等的

 aiming for equal wealth, status, etc.,for all people

propitiate /prəˈpɪʃieɪt/

 v. 安抚

 to make(someone)pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired

futile /ˈfjuːtl/

 adj. 无用的

 pointless or useless

unassuming /ˌʌnəˈsuːmɪŋ/

 adj. 谦虚的,低调的

 not having or showing a desire to be noticed, praised

amicable /ˈæmɪkəbl/

 adj. 和善的

 showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument

unfounded /ʌnˈfaʊndɪd/

 adj. 毫无根据的

 lacking a sound basis

plastic /ˈplæstɪk/

 adj. 虚假的,不真诚的

 not real or sincere

 adj. 可塑的

 capable of being made into different shapes

apocalypse /əˈpɑːkəlɪps/

 n. 大灾难

 a great disaster

authoritative /əˈθɔːrəteɪtɪv/

 adj. 权威的,可信的

 clearly accurate or knowledgeable

clamorous /ˈklæmərəs/

 adj. 吵吵闹闹的

 noisily insistent

placate /ˈpleɪkeɪt/

 v. 安抚

 to cause(someone)to feel less angry about something

far-reaching /'fɑ:'ri: tʃiŋ/

 adj. 影响广泛的

 having a wide range or effect

disinterested /dɪsˈɪntrɛstəd/

 adj. 客观公正的

 not influenced by personal feelings, opinions or concerns

embolden /ɪmˈboʊldən/

 v. 鼓舞,鼓励

 to make(someone)more confident

incompatible /ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl/

 adj. 无法共存的,不可兼容的

 not able to exist together without trouble or conflict; not able to be used together

stale /steɪl/

 adj. 不新鲜的

 having an unpleasant taste or smell

 adj. 缺乏新鲜感的

 boring or unoriginal

lionize /ˈlaɪənaɪz/

 v. 重视,尊敬

 to treat(someone)as a very important and famous person

preachy /ˈpriːtʃi/

 adj. 说教的,好为人师的

 trying to teach something(such as proper or moral behavior)in a way that is annoying or unwanted

illusory /ɪˈluːsəri/

 adj. 虚假的

 based on something that is not true or real

profit-monger /ˈprɑːfɪtˌmʌŋɡər/

 n. 贪婪的人

 a person, business or profession marked by avarice and greed

felicitous /fəˈlɪsɪtəs/

 adj. 合适的

 very well suited for some purpose or situation

 adj. 喜悦的,令人愉悦的

 pleasant or delightful

averse /əˈvɜːrs/

 adj. 反感的

 having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste

trigger /ˈtrɪɡər/

 v. /n. 触发

 v. to cause(something)to start or happen

integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/

 n. 正直

 the quality of being honest and fair

conservation /ˌkɑːnsərˈveɪʃn/

 n. 保护

 a careful preservation and protection of something

 n. 环保

 The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources, such as forests, soil, and water systems.

spontaneous /spɑːnˈteɪniəs/

 adj. 自主的,自发的

 controlled and directed internally

 adj. 自然的,不刻意的

 not apparently contrived or manipulated

pushover /ˈpʊʃoʊvər/

 n. 易被打败的人

 an opponent that is easy to defeat

 n. 容易做到的事

 something that is easy to do

comprehensive /ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv/

 adj. 全面的

 covering completely or broadly

insufferable /ɪnˈsʌfrəbl/

 adj. 无法忍受的

 too unpleasant to deal with or accept

sequential /sɪˈkwenʃl/

 adj. 有序的

 happening in a series or sequence

surreptitious /ˌsɜːrəpˈtɪʃəs/

 adj. 秘密的,鬼鬼祟祟的

 done in a secret way

dispassionate /dɪsˈpæʃənət/

 adj. 客观的

 not influenced or affected by emotions

transient /ˈtrænʃnt/

 adj. 短暂的

 not lasting long

vacant /ˈveɪkənt/

 adj. 空的

 not filled, used or lived in

 adj. 面无表情的,茫然的

 devoid of thought, reflection or expression

canned /kænd/

 adj. 千篇一律的

 lacking originality or individuality as if mass-produced

 adj. 预先录制的

 prepared or recorded in advance

soft-pedal /sɔːftˈpedl/

 v. 弱化,减缓…的影响

 to treat or describe(something)as less important than it really is

feign /feɪn/

 v. 假装

 to give a false appearance of

daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/

 adj. 令人畏惧的,望而生怯的

 very difficult to do or deal with

downright /ˈdaʊnraɪt/

 adv. 完全地


autonomous /ɔːˈtɑːnəməs/

 adj. 自治的

 having the power or right to govern itself

 adj. 独立自主的

 responding, reacting, or developing independently of the whole

indeterminate /ˌɪnˈtɜːrmɪnət/

 adj. 不确定的

 not able to be stated or described in an exact way

opulent /ˈɑːpjələnt/

 adj. 昂贵的

 very comfortable and expensive

 adj. 富裕的

 very wealthy

pervasive /pərˈveɪsɪv/

 adj. 普遍的

 existing in or spreading through every part of something

offset /ˈɔːfset/

 v. 抵消

 to cancel or reduce the effect of(something)

omnipresent /ˌɑːmnɪˈpreznt/

 adj. 处处都有的

 present everywhere simultaneously

entangle /ɪnˈtæŋɡl/

 v. 纠缠

 to cause(something)to get caught in or twisted with something else

 v. 使…卷入困境

 to get(someone)involved in a confusing or difficult situation

dilatory /ˈdɪlətɔːri/

 adj. 拖延的

 tending or intended to cause delay

generic /dʒəˈnerɪk/

 adj. 一般的,通有的,通用的

 relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class; general

sensational /senˈseɪʃənl/

 adj. 极好的

 exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great

 adj. (通过可怕的细节)令人兴奋的,骇人听闻的

 causing very great excitement or interest with shocking details

explicable /ˈeksplɪkəbl/

 adj. 可以解释的

 possible to explain

pernicious /pərˈnɪʃəs/

 adj. 有害的,致命的

 causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not easily seen or noticed

convoluted /ˈkɑːnvəluːtɪd/

 adj. 难懂的,复杂的

 very complicated and difficult to understand

bureaucracy /bjʊˈrɑːkrəsi/

 n. 官僚机构

 a system of government or business that has many complicated rules and ways of doing things

widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/

 adj. 广泛的

 common over a wide area or among many people

compliant /kəmˈplaɪənt/

 adj. 顺从的,迎合的

 ready and willing to comply

trifling /ˈtraɪflɪŋ/

 adj. 不重要的

 having little value or importance

compunction /kəmˈpʌŋkʃn/

 n. 犯罪感,后悔感

 a feeling of guilt or regret

cynical /ˈsɪnɪkl/

 adj. 认为人性自私的,愤世嫉俗的

 believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns

pretentious /prɪˈtenʃəs/

 adj. 炫耀的

 having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful or important than they really are

customary /ˈkʌstəmeri/

 adj. 惯常的

 usual or typical of a particular person

vilify /ˈvɪlɪfaɪ/

 v. 诽谤,辱骂

 to utter slanderous and abusive statements against

tantamount /ˈtæntəmaʊnt/

 adj. (数量,效果)相同的

 equal to something in value, meaning or effect

unflinching /ʌnˈflɪntʃɪŋ/

 adj. 坚定的,不退缩的

 staying strong and determined even when things are difficult

 adj. (表达)直白的

 looking at or describing something or someone in a very direct way

prototype /ˈproʊtətaɪp/

 n. 典型

 a standard or typical example

 n. 原型

 an original model on which something is patterned